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mortgage bond 抵押債券。


The distributor should select the cmo as the tools of mbs , not the mortgage pass - through securities or mortgage bonds . finally , the article gives a brief introduction to the measurement of the prepayment risk , interest - rate risk and the credit risk , additionally , the article analyzes the methods of how to manage the three kinds of risk . the overall objective of this thesis is to propose a working strategy for policy - maker and to offer fresh perspectives for researchers on theory and practice of mbs in china 本文擬運用金融創新理論,對比住房抵押貸款證券化創新成本和收益的影響因素,對中國住房抵押貸款證券化這一金融創新的可行性進行分析,并具體論述我國住房抵押貸款證券化的方案設計,包括運作模式的選擇,證券化主體spv的構造、證券類型選擇,設計住房抵押貸款證券化風險管理方案。

Specifically , mortgaging loan is to point to the person that buy a house to the lou yu with buying serves as gage and obtain loan from the bank , the person that buy a house remands according to what in mortgaging bond , set means and deadline instalment give a bank ; the bank presses interest of certain interest rate collection 具體地說,按揭貸款是指購房者以所購得的樓宇作為抵押品而從銀行獲得貸款,購房者按照按揭契約中規定的歸還方式和期限分期付款給銀行;銀行按一定的利率收取利息。

We should affirm the value nature of the mortgage , and constitute the mortgage securitization system , unify the mortgage and the securities to make the mortgage bond , make it a independent property right and into circulation as well as constitute a set of complete , related legal system guarantee the circulation and the security of the mortgage bond so to fully exert its function to preserve the creditor ’ s right and its inverstment and financial function 我國應該肯定抵押權的價值性,建立抵押權證券化的相關制度,將抵押權與證券相結合制成抵押證券,使其作為一種獨立的財產權并允許其流通。同時建立一套較完備的相關法律制度,確保抵押證券的流通性和安全性,以便充分發揮抵押權的債權保全功能與投資融資功能。基于此,文章就抵押權證券化法律問題作了較為深入的探討。

The second part make legislation in section of the mortgage bond of various countries . it mainly analized related system in german , japan , britain and america , and obtained what we can learn from the successful experience in order to constitute mortgage securitization system 同時考察了各國抵押權證券化的不同立法例,主要分析了德國、日本和英美的相關制度,試圖從各國成功的經驗中探求建立我國抵押權證券化制度可借鑒之處。

Although it has held roughly the same form since the late 18th century ? it was set up as a way to rebuild rapidly after the copenhagen fire of 1795 ? there has never been a default on a danish mortgage bond 雖然該制度從18世紀晚期建立以后就鮮有變化- - - -這項制度是為了在1795年“哥本哈根大火災”后迅速重建該市而制定的- - - -但是丹麥從來沒有一只房貸債券違約。

Press release : the hong kong mortgage corporation limited inaugural hk 1 billion mortgage bond asset swap programme signing ceremony with dao heng bank 新聞稿:香港按揭證券有限公司與道亨銀行舉行首個億港元按揭及債券資產交換計劃簽署儀式

The hong kong mortgage corporation limited inaugural hk 1 billion mortgage bond asset swap programme signing ceremony with dao heng bank 香港按揭證券有限公司與道亨銀行舉行首個億港元按揭及債券資產交換計劃簽署儀式

Signing ceremony of the inaugural hk 1 billion mortgage bond asset swap programme between the hkmc and dao heng bank 香港按揭證券有限公司與道亨銀行舉行首個億港元按揭及債券資產交換計劃簽署儀式

Goldman sachs sees its profits soar 79 % after it correctly bets that the value of mortgage bonds will go down 在它正確地打賭,抵押債券的價值將下降之后,高曼薩克斯見到它的利潤高飛?圍79 % 。

Inaugural hk 1 billion mortgage bond asset swap programme signing ceremony with dao heng bank 首個億港元按揭及債券資產交換計劃簽署儀式

Chattel mortgage bond 美動產抵押

Real estate mortgage bond 不動產抵押債券

Unissued mortgage bonds 未發行的抵押債券

Danish mortgage bonds certainly seem appealing to investors 毫無疑問,丹麥的房產抵押貸款債券對投資者很有吸引力。

Some problems on housing mortgage bond in china 我國住房抵押貸款證券化的品種選擇及流程設計