
mortality n.必死的命運[性質];致命性;死亡數;死亡率;大量死亡...

mortality table

In ancient times infant mortality was extremely high 在古代嬰兒死亡率極高。

Females had an oerall 3 % lower mortality than males 女性的死亡率比男性患者低3 。

Trends of perinatal mortality in suzhou city , in 2000年圍生兒死亡率變化及死因分析

Determination of mortality of ascarid egg in fertilizers 肥料中蛔蟲卵死亡率的測定

One to walk the lonely road of mortality as a human 還有一個像人一樣生老病死

. . . one to walk the lonely road of mortality as a human 還有一個像人一樣生老病死

The changes reveal, over the 17-year period, a 2. 2-fold increase in mortality rates for white males and a 3-fold increase for nonwhite males . 這種變化表明,在17年的時間里,白人男子的死亡率增加到22倍,非白人男子增加到3倍。

In this country there is about a twofold difference in mortality for areas of high atmospheric pollution compared with the smoke-free rural areas . 在這個國家,大氣高度污染的地區與沒有煙塵的鄉村比,死亡大約有兩倍的差異。

Statistics on occupational mortality have been of greater value in these respects than in initiating the study of new aetiological agents . 不同職業的死亡率的統計對這些方面的價值較之對于開展新的病因研究的價值更大。

Kallner and groen studied the mortality from coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular accidents among immigrants to israel . Kallner和Groen研究了去以色列的移民中的患冠心病與腦血管死亡率。

The report pointed out that social and occupational factors normally play an important part in determining mortality . 報告指出,社會與職業的因素在正常情況下對死亡就有重要影響。

This practice continued, and by 1632, these bills of mortality listed birth and deaths by sex . 這項工作一直延續下來,到1632年,《死亡率報表》按性別列出了出生和死亡的人數。

These results were interpreted to indicate that cultivars with high chilling requirements had less bud mortality . 這些結果說明長低溫要求的品種,其芽的死亡率要少。

A statistically significant excess in lung cancer mortality occurred in immigrants age 45 to 64 . 一個有統計意義的肺癌死亡率高峰出現在年齡為45到64歲的移民中。

Mortality is the number or volume of trees periodically rendered unusable through natural causes . 枯損是一類由于自然原因而定期變得無用的林木株數或材積。

The disease and mortality rates of children in the project also appeared to be falling . 參與此項目的兒童患病率和死亡率看來也在下降。

She was the first who taught him what it was to have sensations of his mortality . 那么她就是第一個使他懂得死亡是什么滋味的人。

Mortality rates actually increased with age in the same birth cohort . 在相同的血統組中,死亡率實際上隨年齡的增加而增加。

Associated anomalies and prematurity significantly influence the mortality rate . 并發畸形與早產兒顯著地影響死亡率。