
mortal adj.1.死的;有死的,不能不死的(opp. immo...


Mortals of the primary modified order of ascension 人類最初提升的修正秩序。

All men are mortal , because we are all mortal 每個人都終究一死,因為我們都是凡人!

“ gods envy us . they envy us because we are mortal 神嫉妒我們,因為我們擁有死亡。

The yard of mortal care office in a hospital 在一所醫院臨終關懷科的院子里。

Someone stole you from us and turned you mortal 可是有人把你從我們那里偷去了

But lesser , less - moral mortals might be 但是非不那么分明的人也許會受到影響。

Many lowlier mortals regard it as pretentious 許多地位低等的凡人視其為惺惺作態。

Much learning shows how little mortals know 無窮的學問顯示人所知的多么微小。

But none of these firms is in mortal danger 當然這些公司都還沒到無可救藥的地步。

“ because nothing can save you ; your wounds are mortal “因為已沒有辦法再救你了。

Having dallied with the mortals , they return to olympus 與凡人嬉戲后,回到了天堂

He was like a god walking amongst mere mortals 他就像一個上帝派駐人間的使者一般

Sky , earth , mortal and god and languages 語言與天地人神的四方合一又是什么關系

You ' re the only human mortal l can go to , bess 你是我唯一可以傾訴的人了,貝絲

The superpowers often behave like two heavily armed blind men feeling their way around a room, each believing himself in mortal peril from the other whom he assumes to have perfect vision . 超級大國的表現常常像兩個全副武裝的盲人,同處一室,到處摸索,都認為對方目光如炬,因而使自己受到致命的威脅。

In his novels “elsie venner“, “the guardian angel“ and “a mortal antipathy“ he mingles light-hearted local colour with themes that could be of great significances . 在他的小說《艾爾西文納》《守護天使》和《致命的反感》里,他把輕松的地方色彩摻入可能具有重大意義的主題。

At nineteen he had commenced one of those careers attractive and inexplicable to ordinary mortals for whom a single bankruptcy is good as a feast . 他十九歲的時候就已經走上對普通人來說是富于吸引力而又不可理解的道路。對普通人來說破一次產就夠嗆了。

I was another and most glorified self, and all the avenues of the success were for a while laid upon to my mortal footsteps . 我好象換了一個人,一個意氣風發,蓬勃向上的人,一切通往成功的大道都在我思想的腳下豁然通暢。

I have been in two minds as to the treatment of julia's outburst about mortal sin and lord marchmain's dying soliloquy . 關于朱莉亞對罪孽深重的感情爆發和馬奇梅因臨終獨白的處理,我心里是猶豫不決的。