
mort n.1.死。2.【打獵】報告獵物已死的號角聲。3.三歲的...


The third part mainly discusses the successful experience in the educa - tional reform of germany , the mort important ones of which are the role of government , the social forces running schools , deep concerns about the study of natural science and great attentions to the guiding role of universi - ties is the course of modernization 第三部分,主要討論的是德國教育改革的成功經驗。德國教育改革的最主要經驗是政府的作用、社會力量辦學、重視自然科學的研究、注重大學在現代化過程中的先導作用。

They all asked me questions , and i told them how pap and me and all the family was living on a little farm down at the bottom of arkansaw , and my sister mary ann run off and got married and never was heard of no more , and bill went to hunt them and he warn t heard of no more , and tom and mort died , and then there warn t nobody but just me and pap left , and he was just trimmed down to nothing , on account of his troubles ; so when he died i took what there was left , because the farm didn t belong to us , and started up the river , deck passage , and fell overboard ; and that was how i come to be here 他們都問我一些問題。我告訴他們說,我爸爸我和一家人是怎樣在阿肯色州南頭一個小農莊上的我姐姐瑪麗安怎樣出走,結了婚,從此杳無音訊比爾怎樣出去四處尋找他們,連自己也從此沒有下落湯姆和摩爾怎樣也死了除了我和我爸爸,我們這一家就沒有留下別的人了爸爸磨難重重,也窮得精光。所以等他一死,既然莊子不屬于我們所有,我就把剩下的一點點東西帶著走,打了統艙往上游去,可又掉到了水里,這才投奔到了這里。

For this , through the research on the basic principle of mort gage system and the present situation in the mainland and the discussion on the characteristics of the law , my article announced the jural mechanism and put forward that the mortgage system should be perfected and the suggestions and the attitude on the arrangement of the legislation 為此,本文作者通過對按揭制度基本原理的研究,揭示其法律機理;通過對我國大陸按揭現狀和法律特征的探討,提出了完善我國按揭制度及其立法上安排的建議和意見。

The using of the analytical model of the mort and user “ s manual can not only find out the defects and omissions in the existing safety management system , but also improve the safety situations , so that the safety management for the air - traffic can be raised to the modern level 本文建立了空中交通安全管理的mort圖及用戶手冊。應用此mort分析模型,不但能夠發現系統缺陷和疏忽,為事故和事故征候的處理提供有力的證據和決策支持,而且能夠提高空中交通的安全管理水平。

The article can be divided into following parts : first , introducing the development and existing situation of air - traffic service and aeronautics safety , directing the potential and great insidious danger caused by disco - ordination between air - traffic service and aeronautics safety and aeronautics development , analyzing the causes of accident . second , introducing the related theory of safety and safety systematic engineering and methods of analyzing accident . third , based on the above content , analyzing the factors that affect the safety of air - traffic safety management , especially the human factor 本文首先介紹了空中交通服務與航空安全的發展及現狀,指明了空中交通服務與航空安全與航空發展不匹配所潛在的對國際民生的巨大隱患,并對發生的事故征候和事故進行了初步的原因分析;其次介紹了安全和安全系統工程的有關原理和事故分析的方法;第四章則在此基礎上對影響空中交通安全管理的因素進行了詳細的分析,特別是人為因素的分析;最后,引入了mort方法以提高空中交通安全管理的安全性。

It was supposed to be a surprise trip for the mort brothers , but they were clued in before making the nearly three - hour drive from liverpool to louisville , according to their mother 這個安排本來是要給莫特兄弟一個驚喜,但是在離開利物浦駕車去路易斯威爾之前,兄弟倆已經知道了。

When the national dunhuang cultural research institute took over the mogao grottoes in the 1940s , it should be said that it received the la mort notice of the grottoes at the same time 當二十世紀四十年代的國立敦煌研究所接過莫高窟的時候,應該說同時接到了它的病危通知。

They say he sold his soul to the devil , and that he walks at times . she felt the petite mort at this unexpectedly gruesome information , and left the solitary man behind her 她出乎意外地聽說了這件陰森可怖的事,不禁毛骨悚然,就把那個孤獨的牧人留在那兒,自己朝前走了。

Mort aux vaches , says frank then in the french language that had been indentured to a brandy shipper that has a winelodge in bordeaux and he spoke french like a gentleman too 彼餓矣,食魚實乃此行之主要目的。弗蘭克遂用法語云: “讓母牛死光。 ”

Please give me advice in time if you have any better idea and make them more perfect and service to everyone mort better 各種表格及形式還待進一步提高,若您有更好的意見,請及時提出,以便使其更加完善,更好的為大家服務。

Soon the afternoon of sighing was over , as the mort brother headed back to their can and prepared for the return trip to liverpool 但是很不走運,那天下午魚兒都不太咬鉤- -只有邁克爾釣到了一條小河鱸。

Nine books , including larchitecture , la beaut , le gout , la mort , la nature , la nuit , le rve , la sagesse , le voyage , have been published 建筑美丑夢味夜7種,由上海文藝出版社出版。

With woman steps she followed : the ruffian and his strolling mort 她邁著女性的步子跟在后邊,惡棍和共闖江湖的姘頭。

He ' s not answering , mort . - ok 他不聽,毛蒂-好的

Mort , the regulatory legislation that the governor is going to bat for 摩特,州長準備撰寫的調整的立法

- he ' s not answering , mort . - ok -他不聽,毛蒂-好的

Mort is spearheading the development 摩特正在這片土地上

Mort , how ' s the real estate moving 摩特,不動產銷售如何

Prison life consists of routine , and then mort routine 譯文:監獄生活充滿了一段又一段的例行公事。