
morsel n.(食物的)一口;一小片;少量;一點點;佳肴。


And as she was going to fetch it , he called to her , and said , bring me , i pray thee , a morsel of bread in thine hand 11她去取水的時候,以利亞又呼叫她說,也求你拿點餅來給我。

My petition is , that a morsel of stone or wood , with my husband s name , may be placed over him to show where he lies 我只請求在我的丈夫躺著的地方立一塊寫著他的姓名的石碑或木牌。

And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips , and my drop of living water dashed from my cup 能夠容忍別人把一口面包從我嘴里搶走,把一滴生命之水從我杯子里潑掉?

Lest there be any fornicator , or profane person , as esau , who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright 16恐怕有淫亂的,有貪戀世俗如以掃的。他因一點食物把自己長子的名分賣了。

After consuming choice morsels , bears abandon the carcass and return to the stream to spear another fish 熊挑選并吃完要吃的部位之后,就會拋棄剩下的鮭魚,回到溪邊去捉另一條。

Challenge your taste buds to savour each morsel of our authentic japanese delicacies . . . 翅軒的巧手粵菜早已遠近馳名,更誠意挑戰您的口味,全新隆重推出日本鮮美刺身。 .

After the morsel , satan then entered into him . therefore jesus said to him , “ what you do , do quickly . 約13 : 27他吃了以后、撒但就入了他的心。耶穌便對他說、你所作的快作罷。

It might have wailed out of life , and nobody cared a morsel , during those first hours of existence 在她才生下來的頭幾個鐘頭里,她都會哭死,也沒一個人稍微過問一下。

She could not get her morsels of food down her throat ; her lips were dry , and she was ready to choke 她再也難得把嘴里的食物吞下去了她的嘴唇發干,都快給噎住了。

The portly gentlemen in the front rows began to feel that she was a delicious little morsel 前排的那些大腹便便的紳士們開始覺得她是一個可人的小東西。

Certainly , capitalia would be an appetising morsel in a market now short of other offerings 當然,當前市場沒有什么別的選擇,他們也是饑不擇食。

Jn . 13 : 30 therefore having taken the morsel , he went out immediately ; and it was night 約十三30猶大接受了那點餅,就立即出去,那時候是夜間了。

The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up , and lose thy sweet words 箴23 : 8你所吃的那點食物、必吐出來你所說的甘美言語、也必落空。

I want a night s shelter in an out - house or anywhere , and a morsel of bread to eat “我想在外間或者什么地方搭宿一個晚上,還要一口面包吃。 ”

With tasty morsels such as cpdos on the table , greed is the much more tempting option 面對桌上象cpdo這等的美味佳肴,貪婪是更為誘人的選擇。

The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up , and lose thy sweet words 8你所吃的那點食物,必吐出來。你所說的甘美言語,也必落空。

[ niv ] the words of a gossip are like choice morsels ; they go down to a man ' s inmost parts 8 [和合]傳舌人的言語,如同5美食,深入人的心腹。

You will vomit up the morsel which you have eaten , and waste your pleasant words 8你所吃的那點食物必吐出來,你所說的甘美言語也白說了。

You will vomit up the morsel you have eaten , and waste your compliments 箴23 : 8你所吃的那點食物、必吐出來你所說的甘美言語、也必落空。