
morrison n.莫里森〔姓氏〕。

morrison shelter

The morrison building 馬禮遜樓

It is situated at the corner of connaught road and morrison street , sheung wan 提醒您在出發前,先得知道逛街購物的最佳去處!

George earnest morrison 喬治莫理遜

38 morrison hill road 九佐敦道渡船角

Mr . morrison , the owner of our farm doesn ' t want “ enemmy aliens “ anymore 我們農場的主人莫里森先生不愿再雇用“敵國“的人了

Miss morrison , the line is “ away we go , “ not “ off we go , “ dear 莫里森小姐,歌詞是“去吧,我們上” ,不是“走吧,我們上”

Hey , i ' m jack morrison 我是杰克?莫里森

He heard morrison say 他聽到莫里森說。

Morrison hill road southbound between wan chai road road and sharp street west 介乎灣仔道與霎西街之間的摩理臣山道南行。

Walk 15 minutes from times square along leighton road , morrison hill road to 由時代廣場沿禮頓道、摩利臣山道步行15分鐘

Mr . morrison , the owner of the farm where my father worked gave us a ride 爸爸干活的那家農場的主人莫里森先生來接我們

Morrison education society 馬禮遜教育協會

Morrison hill swimming pool 摩理臣山游泳池

Analysis on the social intercourse of dr . morrison , beijing correspondent of the times 駐北京記者莫理循社交活動探析

Government has initiated action to declare the morrison building a monument 政府擬將何福堂會所內的馬禮遜樓列為古跡

Nobel : literature : toni morrison 諾貝爾文學獎

Reflections of history and black women ' s subjectivity in toni morrison ' s beloved 中的歷史反思與黑人女性主體意識

Government has initiated action to declare morrison building a monument 政府擬將何福堂會所內的馬禮遜樓列為古跡

Ladder 49 , morrison to command 云梯49 ,莫里森向總部