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morris chair 莫里斯式靠椅〔靠背斜度可自由調節〕。


He went back to the hotel gladly , with a feeling of satisfaction in that the comfortable morris chair was waiting for him ; and he groaned inwardly , on entering his room , at sight of joe in the morris chair 他高高興興回到旅館,想到那舒適的莫里斯安樂椅在那兒等著他,便心滿意足。可一進門他卻看見喬坐在莫里斯安樂椅上等著他,心里不禁呻吟起來。

Though a stranger in the house he finally isolated himself in the midst of the company , huddling into a capacious morris chair and reading steadily from a thin volume he had drawn from his pocket 盡管他在這屋里是個生人,最后卻縮到一張巨大的莫里斯安樂椅上,讓自己脫離人群一心一意讀起一本他從自己口袋里抽出的小冊子。

As he caught her hands and led her to the morris chair he noticed how cold they were 他抓住她的手,領她來到了莫里斯安樂椅前,讓她坐下。他注意到她的雙手冰涼。

Once in his rooms , he dropped into a morris chair and sat staring straight before him . he did not doze 一進屋他就倒在一張莫里斯安樂椅里,茫然地望著前面。