
morris n.(打扮成 Robin Hood 等傳奇人物跳的)莫利...

morris chair

Suddenly tom morris stood up . “ don ' t do it ! “ he cried 突然,湯姆莫里斯站起來。 “不要這樣! ”他喊道。

Karen mok : chinese singer actress birth name : karen joy morris 語言:國語粵語英語法文意大利文

And the winner gets morris gutman 獲勝的人得到默里斯.格特曼

William morris was one of the early prophets of socialism 威廉?莫里斯是社會主義的早期鼓吹者之一

“ come on , mr morris ! tell us about it , “ herbert said “繼續給我們講講吧,莫里斯先生。 ”赫伯特說。

Analysis of semiotic meanings by morris 試析莫里斯符號學的意義觀

Chris morris reports from the un headquarters in new york 克里斯從紐約聯合國總部發回的報道。

Morris is of those who can always get money at a pinch 莫里斯這類人總能在必要的時候弄到錢。

Well , i can talk to the boys over at william morris 嗯,我會和威廉莫里斯那邊的人去談的。

I ' ve already called the morris office 我已經打過電話到莫里斯辦公室了

It ' s great you ' re doing this , morris . really 你能來真好,莫里斯真的

Man morris ! over here ! - u h , frances -默里斯!那邊! -噢,弗朗西斯

Morris ladies and gentlemen . - my vote -女士們,先生們. -我自己那票

Well , morris and i have been brainstorming , 莫里斯和我經過了頭腦風暴法

“ you will cleave to me ? “ asked morris “你永遠忠于我? ”莫里斯問道。

“ pleased to meet you , “ tom morris said “很高興見到你們”湯姆莫里斯說。

I ' m paying william morris 10 percent off the top 我還得付給威廉姆莫利斯總收入里的10 %

Morris testing , testing . canyou all hear me 測試,測試,你們能聽到我嗎

He was shoveling in morris menke ' s barn , 他正在莫里斯.門可的谷倉里鏟地,