
morphologic adj.形態學(上)的;【語言學】詞法的,形態的。


The morphologic characteristics of wanxi white geese ' s digestive ducts were studied by observing the compostion of digestive ducts and its section tissue 摘要為了觀察成年皖西白鵝母鵝消化管的形態特徵,在鵝放血致死后,解剖觀察其消化管的組成,取消化管各部分,制作組織切片。

The results of variance analysis showed the variant extent of above 5 morphologic characters was plant height > crown breadth > sporophyll number > leaf number > leaf breadth in turn 方差分析結果表明: 5個形態指標在種群間的差異程度依次為株高冠幅孢子葉數葉數葉寬。

Affected by geographic , geologic and morphologic factors , the banks of heilongjiang and wusulijiang rivers have been suffering erosions from river water 摘要黑龍江、烏蘇里江沿岸地區受地理、地質地貌因素的影響,沿岸正遭受江水的侵蝕,塌岸嚴重,己造成大面積的國土流失。

Several adult individuals from each population at random were observed their morphologic characters , and then to analyse the distribution of the vertical biology yield 對荷葉鐵線蕨進行形態學觀察和垂直生物量分配的分析。 2 )用等位酶標記檢測荷葉鐵線蕨的交配系統。

Matls c , metens t , deveiere j , et al . pancreatic duct : morphologic and functional evaluation with dynamic mr pancreatography after seretin stimulation . radiology 1997 , 303 : 433 411 程紅巖,賈雨辰,周岱云,等.轉移性癌侵犯膽管的影像學分析中華放射學雜志, 1995 , 10 : 704

This paper produces a computer aided auto recognition algorithm which based on the principle of morphologic transform , and the algorithm is realized by computer program 摘要基于數學形態學變換的原理,對這類圖像給出了計算機自動識別算法,并通過計算機編程實現。

Reviewed the advances in the research of drought resistance in sorghum on the recent studies of the morphologic resistance , osmotic tolerance and photosynthesis 摘要從形態抗性、滲透調節、光合作用等幾個方面綜述了抗旱作物高粱近年來抗旱機理的研究和進展情況。

Besides morphologic changes , biological moecules including fgf10 , integrin , egf , tgf play an important role in the process of eyelids ' reseperation 除了形態學上的變化外,表皮生長因子( egf ) 、轉化生長因子( tgf ) 、整合素等生物大分子也參與眼瞼的分離過程。

The other involved the y - ray irradiation on them , the observation on morphologic and physiologic response of ml plants and the selection of variation 同時,對地錦和五葉地錦的不同類型材料進行射線輻射誘變,觀測m1植株的形態和生理反應,篩選變異類型。

To improve the stability and precision of the system , median filter and filter based on morphologic method have been adopted . 5 為了進一步提高定位精度和定位系統的可靠性,本文對零件提取、零件定位等關鍵部分進行了中值濾波、形態學濾波等的濾波處理。

A study on variations of 19 morphologic features of 25 wild d . glomerata showed that there were extensive variations in morphology 摘要對25份野生鴨茅種源進行植物學特征變異性研究,結果表明: 1 )不同種源鴨茅的植物形態學特征存在廣泛變異。

A comprehensive appraisal of morphologic evolution strongly infers that d . glomerata with upright inflorescences have more potential for development 4 )從形態學特征及相關農藝性狀分析,花序直立的鴨茅更具開發利用潛力。

The morphologic characters and the ecological plasticity of three dryopteris crassirhizoma populations were studied 摘要對吉林省東部山區的3個粗莖鱗毛蕨種群進行了形態特征及其生態可塑性的研究。

However , the effects on those channel morphologic phenomena were milder when the opening - developing procedures were applied gradually 對上游河床與四號壩影響會降低,所以建議壩體施工過程中,以

2 . pre - processing method for curves , including laplace operator , morphologic operator and human - machine interaction 2 .曲線預處理方法,包括:拉普拉斯算子、形態學操作及進行必要的人工交互。

Calen s . morphologic and functional anatomy of the subclavian veins . surg and radiol anat 1986 , 8 : 121 顧乃群,張全保,姚仕康.鎖骨下靜脈及靜脈角部的功能解剖學.解剖學雜志1990 , 2 : 169 171

In this paper experiments of image segmentation on quaternary strata are made on rs image by morphologic methods 摘要利用數學形態學的方法對遙感影像的第四系地層進行了影像分割實驗。

Cataracts are classified according to the age ofthe individual etiology and morphologic characteris - tics of the opacity 白內障是根據患者的年齡病因和晶狀體混濁的形態學特征來分類的

Morphologic effect of activating blood circulation and dipelling stasis therapy on experimental benign prostate hyperplasia of mouse 活血化瘀法對小鼠實驗性前列腺增生的形態學影響