
morpheus n.【希臘神話】夢神;睡神,睡夢之神。 in the a...


He meets morpheus and his companions , who believe that he is the prophesied “ one “ who can help free human civilization from its domination by the matrix . the only problem is neo himself . he lacks faith in his ability to counter the potent ai machines , and does not gain confidence until the film s climactic moment , when he fully develops his inner power and sacrifices himself to save his companions 男主角名叫尼歐,他是一名電腦駭客,他一直對身處的電腦世界充滿疑問,感覺不真實,因此他便在網路世界中尋找答案,因而結識了莫斐斯,莫斐斯等人都認為尼歐就是那位預言中,將人類自電腦牢籠中解放出來的救世主,可是唯一的問題就在于尼歐對自己并沒有信心,他認為自己無法跟電腦人的力量相抗衡,一直到最后緊急關頭,他為了拯救同伴而犧牲時,才完全開發出自己的萬能力量。

As expected , always be in the eye that there is a dream in two hours of morpheus finally moves morpheus quickly to have quite proportional suffer the person that try , all did not appear memory drops , still increase somewhat even , they can recall the number of a miniature reproduction of a painting that give not less than two hours before , give more a miniature reproduction of a painting than can be being recollected two hours before even 果然,凡是在最后兩小時睡眠中有夢的眼快動睡眠占有相當比例的受試者,均未出現記憶下降,甚至還有所增強,他們能夠回憶出的畫片數目不少于兩小時以前,甚至比兩小時以前能回憶出更多的畫片。

Myopic systemic watch is existing : memory is abate , the whole body is easy tired , physical strength drops , morpheus much dream , have a headache , nape waist ache ; eye ministry watch is existing : eye exhaustion , eyesight undertakes the gender drops , inspect content faintness , inspect content double image , eye ache bilges , the eye is urticant , dry , weep , there is black shadow flap in the eye , eye socket is swollen , paly wait 近視的全身表現有:記憶力減弱,全身易倦怠,體力下降,睡眠多夢,頭痛,頸背腰部酸痛等;眼部表現有:眼疲憊,視力進行性下降,視物模糊,視物雙影,眼酸痛脹,眼睛癢,干澀,流淚,眼中有黑影飄動,眼圈腫、發青等。

The experiment is to let suffer the person that try to be in first lab morpheus 5 hours , yu qingchen 4 when wake up 30 minutes get up , make watch card of a group of line drawing , what draw on these card is the thing that daily visibility goes to , and so on of such as day , month , star , garment , shoe , cap , cat , dog , sheep , after card lets suffer the person that try to be watched twice , ask they draw up by memory had seen thing of a few what 實驗是先讓受試者在實驗室睡眠5小時,于清晨4時30分喚醒起床,使觀看一組線條畫卡片,這些卡片上畫的是日常能見到的東西,諸如日、月、星、衣、鞋、帽、貓、狗、羊之類,卡片讓受試者觀看兩遍后,要求他們憑記憶寫出看見過一些什么東西。

A few suffer the person that try to be in fail to continue in two hours of morpheus finally original morpheus is periodic , then complete dispute eye moves morpheus quickly , did not daydream , these sufferred the person that try to appear memory drops , they can recollect the number of a miniature reproduction of a painting that give to decrease before than two hours 有一些受試者在最后兩小時睡眠中未能繼續原來的睡眠周期,于是完全是非眼快動睡眠,沒有做夢,這些受試者都出現了記憶下降,他們能夠回憶出的畫片數目都比兩小時以前減少了。

Slightly disturbed in his sentrybox by the brasier of live coke , the watcher of the corporation , who , though now broken down and fast breaking up , was none other in stern reality than the gumley aforesaid , now practically on the parish rates , given the temporary job by pat tobin in all human probability , from dictates of humanity , knowing him before - shifted about and shuffled in his box before composing his limbs again in the arms of morpheus 如今他實際上是靠教區的救濟金過日子。過去認識他的帕特托賓140 ,十之八九是出于人道的動機,安排他在這兒當上個臨時工。他在崗亭里翻來復去,來回改變姿勢,最后才把四肢安頓在睡神的懷抱之中。

Specific algorithm is roughly such : the first pace , statistic plays the time of all sorts of activities in you are one day , for instance : morpheus , on foot , mental job , physical strength job ( contain working intensity ) etc , share very fine , record every activity how long 具體算法大致是這樣的:第一步,統計你一天中參加各種活動的時間,比如:睡眠、走路、腦力工作、體力工作(含工作強度)等等,分得很細的,記錄每項活動多長時間。

What cancerous swollen itself causes is aching , make patient morpheus produces a change not only , still can make a patient anxiety - ridden , motion suffers be restricted , the thought is slow , full day is depressed , make family and human relations in society happened a series of change 癌腫本身造成的疼痛,不僅使病人睡眠發生改變,還會使患者憂心忡忡,運動受限,思想遲鈍,整日愁眉不展,使家庭和社會關系發生了一系列的變化。

He believes that morpheus , a person he knows only through legend , can give him an answer . one night , neo is contacted by trinity , a beautiful stranger who leads him into an underworld where he meets morpheus and learns the truth about the matrix 某天,里奧遇上女子珍妮蒂,她帶領里奧進入地下另一世界并因而認識了地下組織領袖摩菲士,始發現人類原來生活在一個模擬現實世界中而不自知。

Because morpheus time decreases , this is , especially the eye moves morpheus quickly ( namely fast wave morpheus or morpheus having a dream ) a large number of reducing , make what learn knowledge to cannot consolidate memorial cause 這是由于睡眠時間減少,尤其是眼快動睡眠(即快波睡眠或有夢睡眠)大量減少,使所學知識不能鞏固記憶的緣故。

In two hours of this final morpheus , the eye moves morpheus quickly to have the largest proportion , this at somebody ' s convenience daydreams at making an on - the - spot investigation whether can produce beneficial effect to memory 在這最后的兩小時睡眠中,眼快動睡眠占有最大比例,這就便于考察做夢對于記憶是否能產生有益影響。

Head the head of thrombosis be caused by straightens dead , have disease slow , often be in morpheus or quiet when resting , happen , this may be as inferior as the blood pressure when resting , blood stream is slow about 腦血栓形成所致的腦梗死,起病緩慢,經常在睡眠中或安靜休息時發生,這可能與休息時血壓較低,血流緩慢有關。

But , because be oppressed , back and neck are in in morpheus , can become very inflexible instead , after staying up late especially , the feeling that inflexible , acid is fond of is sent more apparent 但是,背部和脖子在睡眠中由于受到壓迫,反而會變得很僵硬,非凡是熬夜之后,僵硬、酸疼的感覺愈發明顯。

In one “ suite “ a little white poodle named bijou is lost in the embrace of morpheus with “ little nemo “ and his cartoon friends swimming by in an eternal loop on the tv set 住在一間套房里的一只名叫bijou的白毛獅子狗被電視里放的小尼摩夢游記弄的暈頭轉向,里面的卡通人物不停的“游來蕩去” 。

The experiment explains the eye that has a dream moves morpheus quickly to be beneficial to memory , can prevent after be being remembered recently original the oblivion inside two hours process 實驗說明有夢的眼快動睡眠有益于記憶,能阻止新近記憶后最初兩小時內的遺忘過程。

Liver function is at present normal , the body does not need to be on food idea what , but must nutrition is balanced , maintain good morpheus , wine of smoke of avoid by all means 目前肝功能正常,身體不需要在飲食上主意什么,但一定要營養均衡,保持良好的睡眠,切忌煙酒。

Morpheus : what are you waiting for ? you ' re faster than this . don ' t think you are , know you are . come on . stop trying to hit me and hit me 墨菲斯:你在等待什么?你應該比這個更快。不要認為你只有這樣的本領,你可以做的更好。來吧,試試打倒我。

Dick : oh my god ! there ' s morpheus ! ( we see morpheus about to give a speech and the crowd is cheering ) woo ! i love you morpheus 我不曉得,伙計。你瞧這兒的姑娘們,多火辣! (鏡頭掃過一群縱酒狂歡的女孩)快看,能看到他們的咪咪耶!

Accordingly , assure enough sleep certainly before the student takes an exam , the eye that has a dream especially moves morpheus quickly must enough 因此,在學生考試前一定保證足夠的睡眠,尤其是有夢的眼快動睡眠必須充足。