
morpheme n.【語言學】詞素;語素;形素。


Based on meaningful learning theory of the cognitive psychology , this paper attempts to probe into the role of etymology in teaching and learning english vocabulary : on the one hand , by analysing the morphological structure of words , students can recognize the connections of the words with the same morphemes , and in this way students can : 1 . draw inferences about other words from one instance ; 2 . have a better grasp of the form and its meaning ; 3 . reduce the spelling mistakes and distinguish the similar words efficiently ; on the other hand , by analyzing its cognitive motivation , students can get a deeper understanding of the meaning 摘要本文以認知心理學的意義學習理論為依據,探討了詞源教學在英語詞匯教學中的重要作用: 1 .舉一反三,擴大詞匯量; 2 .加深對單詞意義的理解和記憶; 3 .有效減少常見的拼寫錯誤,辯清易混淆的詞;對詞匯從認知過程方面進行分析,則可以揭示詞義的演變過程,有助于學生詞義的掌握。

It is the inevitable tendency of modern development in present libraries , archives and information centers . studying and developing theme knowledge is the one of direction and necessity of information retrieval software or internet search engine . it will be used to realize the concept retrieval by classification and the knowledge conversion of the morpheme 以主題標引為基礎的主題檢索是當今圖書館、情報和檔案部門現代化發展的必然趨勢,研究、使用主題知識并實現自適應分類和基于語義知識轉換的概念檢索,是提高目前網上信息檢索軟件或搜索引擎質量的關鍵內容。

This thesis is about analyzing language structure through phonetics , morpheme , vocabulary and sentence , contrasting the characteristics of the two languages by listing examples and theories , knowing that structures of the two languages are under the influence of natural environment , history factors , society , tradition customs and lifestyle 本文通過語音、語素、詞匯和句子的分析對語言的結構進行了簡單剖析,并以例句和理論簡析了兩種語言的特征對比,通過對語言結構上了解認識到漢語和英語結構不同是受自然環境、歷史條件、社會因素、傳統習俗及生活習性所致。

This paper is analyzing the structures of chinese and english through four aspects ? phonetics , morpheme , vocabulary and sentence , contrasting the characteristics of the two languages by listing examples and theories in comparative way , from which knowing that development of language is related to various aspects of natural environment , history , social factors , traditional custom and thinking model of people in native country 本文將從語音、語素、詞匯和句子這四個方面對漢語和英語語言結構作些分析,以理論和例句相結合的對比方式把兩種語言的結構特征相比較,從中認識到語言的形成是受自然環境、歷史條件、社會因素、傳統習俗及思維習慣等各方面的影響。

For each high frequency affix head , its morphological rules are automatically derived . the semantic types of their modifiers are obtained as the restriction on the rules for compounds . then the propriety of an unknown compound is estimated by the similarity measure between the semantic class of its morpheme and the semantic restriction posted in the respective rules 我們以復合詞為例,從語料庫中,自動抽取各類復合詞中的詞干意類,用以訓練規則,透過比對一未知詞詞干意類與規則意類間的相似度,判斷其是否為合理的復合詞。

The latter arises not only from the analytical and explanatory nature of chinese word ? formation that results in a conflict between the need for simple word structure and the need for comprehensive and accurate definition , but also from the ever ? present interference from the connotations of the constituent morphemes of the compound word 后者不僅產生于漢語構詞的獨特性,即漢字的釋義性導致構詞需要的簡潔性與定義需要的全面性、精確性無法兼容,也產生于構詞成分內涵無所不在的干擾。

There are some visible improvements of the items of the perfect homonyms with multi - character in the contemporary chinese dictionary ( 5 edition ) which include : among multi - character words which share the same pronunciation and the same form in the 5 edition , only perfect homonyms have differentiation ; the differentiation and combination of the items of multi - character words more correspond with that of mono - character words ; the differentiation and combination of the compound words which consist of the same morphemes and have corresponding meanings are more consistent ; some of the improper differentiation and combination are corrected 摘要《現代漢語詞典》 (第5版)多字條目的分合改進顯著:在體例上將多字同音形條目的分立專屬同音形詞,多字條目的分合與單字條目更加對應,含有相同語素且意義對應的復合詞在條目分合上更加一致,某些不當分合得到訂正。

This paper , beginning with a brief description of the main forms and significance of order change of chinese grammatical items , deals with whether the structure and sematic or meaning will change when morphemes , words and phrases shift in order and stresses the unique expressive function of order change 摘要文章在扼要說明漢語語法項目序變的主要形式及其重要性的基礎上,著重從語素、詞、短語等許位變換后結構和語義是否發生了改變,分析了漢語語法項目序變的特異表達功能。

The paper takes the example of words of “ begin “ & “ finish “ , on the foundation of surveying their combination configuration , interprets them from four angle : ( 1 ) forming words by asymmetry and symmetry ; ( 2 ) syntactic structure and semantic structure ; ( 3 ) common sememe and different sememe ; ( 4 ) polysemy morpheme and jargon transmutation 摘要本文以“開始” 、 “結束”義詞語為例,在考察“開始” 、 “結束”義詞群組合形態的基礎上,從不對稱構詞與對稱構詞、句法結構與語義結構、共同義素與區別義素和多義語素與行業轉化等四個視角進行闡釋。

Recognising that there are at least three tiers of sino - thai lexical correspondences ( old chinese , middle chinese , modern chinese ) , this study makes claim on the sinitic origin of constituent morphemes in polysyllabic words in thai and explores the wider implications on sino - thai linguistic links 漢臺語關系起碼有三個層次(即與上古漢語、中古漢語、與近代漢語的關系) 。本文指證近代泰語有漢語成份并試圖探討其由來與意義。

In addition to word segmentation and part - of - speech tagging , the processing involves the tagging of proper nouns ( person names , place names , organization names and so on ) , morpheme subcategories and the special usages of verbs and adjectives 加工項目除詞語切分和詞性標注外,還包括專有名詞(人名、地名、團體機構名稱等)標注、語素子類標注以及動詞、形容詞的特殊用法標注。

In addition to word segmentation and part - of - speech tagging , the processing involves the tagging of proper nouns ( person names , place names , organization names arid so on ) , morpheme subcategories and the special usages of verbs and adjectives 加工項目除詞語切分和詞性標注外,還包括專有名詞(人名、地名、團體機構名稱等)標注、語素子類標注以及動詞、形容詞的特殊用法標注。

To meet the needs of interpersonal communication , more foreign morphemes have been merged into modern chinese vocabulary , and they exert a great impact on the modern chinese vocabulary system 摘要近三十年來,伴隨著中國社會的巨大變化、新生事物的不斷涌現和語言交際的迫切需要,現代漢語中“卡” 、 “吧” 、 “的” 、 “秀” 、 “族”等外來構詞詞素出現并逐漸融入現代漢語。

The pre - added morpheme usually has a close connection with the things or actions indicated by the noun - verb conversion , and can reflect the unique characters of the people or things expressed by the dividing nouns in the eyes of jingpo people 前加語素一般與名動轉類詞所表示的事物或動作行為有著密切的聯系,能夠反映景頗族人眼中分化名詞所表人或事物的本質特點。

Based on the traits of chinese morpheme and its psychological foundation , this paper discusses the necessity and possibility of establishing a better chinese morpheme teaching 根據漢語語素的特點及心理學分析,建立語素教學是具有科學性和必要性的,語素教學的建立,既能滿足學生理性學習的愿望,又能充分調動學生的主觀能動性。

Chinese language has its own characteristics that are different from the indo - european languages , which find expression in its morpheme ' s flexibility , relative independence and correspondence with chinese characters 摘要漢語有其不同于印歐語的特點,其特點就在于漢語語素的靈活性、相對獨立性以及與漢字的對應性。

Flip - flop words and the relation in a given pair are discussed in the first section , and some active morphemes are analyzed in the latter , showing that it is important to master the meaning of a word through its morphemes 第二節討論《唐律疏議》中一些活躍的構詞語素,重點說明了解語素對于分析詞義的重要意義。

In text mining or full - text search , the process of identifying meaningful units within strings , either at word boundaries , morphemes , or stems , so that related tokens can be grouped 一種面向對象的架構,定義用于指定應用程序、進程、組件或軟件項目的結構和行為的元數據構造。

There are multi - level exercises of chinese characters , morpheme , vocabulary and paragraphs , which can help the learners learn to use what they have learned 單元后有涵蓋漢字部件、語素、詞匯直至篇章的多層次練習,幫助學習者對新學的語言結構進行鞏固、內化和運用。