
morph n.1.(動植物的)變種,變體。2.【計算機】(電腦屏幕...


That has all changed . these days china ' s leading avant - garde artists have morphed into multi - millionaires who show up at exhibitions wearing gucci and ferragamo 一切都改變了。這些年來,中國主流前衛藝術家已經搖身一變,成為身穿古琦和菲拉格慕出現在畫展上的千萬富翁。

The john williams ' score begins to build and clark morphs into superman , just as lois slips and falls and the horrified crowd resigns itself to her death 接著約翰?威廉姆斯的主題音樂響起,正當露易絲腳底一滑摔落下來,底下驚恐的人群紛紛散開之時,克拉克變成了超人。

Time a dfs link is added morphed directories are created . this is because dfs creates the directories and frs finds that the names collide on each of the root alternates 如果“文件復制服務” ( frs )應用在某個dfs的根目錄,則每次添加新dfs鏈接時,都要重復創建該目錄。

Morph beam : the fusing of an aerodynamic widebody head with a traditional , box - shaped shaft for greater resistance to twisting and a more solid feel 形態梁:符合空氣動力學特征的寬體拍頭和傳統的方型拍梁的結合,可以大大增強球拍的抗扭力水平,并提供更佳的球感。

The facial animation scheme includes two parts : realistic facial rendering under changing illumination or with different expression , and adapted field morphing algorithm 這個方法由兩部分組成:不同表情不同光照下的真實感人臉繪制和改進的場變形技術。

Fixed a problem that allowed morphing units in their alternate form to retain their alternate form bonuses when killed by a mana flare when activating their alternate form 修正了變形單位在變形中被魔力之焰殺死后,仍能保持變形狀態的獎勵的問題。

In this paper , we present a new technique based on strain fields to carry out 3d shape morphing for applications in computer graphics and related areas 在力學中,人們對物體變形問題已經盡心了數百年研究,提出了一套完整的對變形描述的數學工具。

The power savings we attained by morphing the retina were encouraging , a result that started me thinking about how the brain actually achieves high efficiency 神經形態視網膜的低功率需求令人鼓舞,這個結果讓我開始思考腦如何達成這般高的效率。

2 ) intersection - free morph of planar polygons : this paper presents a shape feature based and triangulations embedded method for morphing planar polygons 2 )可避免自交的平面多邊形的變形:提出了基于形狀特征的嵌入網格的平面多邊形變形方法。

As the game progresses the phonemes are gradually “ morphed ” to make them more and more similar , making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between them 隨著游戲進行,例子中包含的音素逐漸變得越來越相似,使分辨它們的難度逐漸加大。

This organised short film is excellent and one example - car alarm , in which a burglar attempts to break into a car and the auto morphs into a hellish man - eating demon 精彩例子包括車的警報器竊賊企圖去偷車,車子竟變成一個會食人的惡魔。

It wouldn ' t have mattered what he said or did , the audience had morphed into a screaming game and a contest to determine who had the best props to wave in the air 其實無論他做什麼都并不重要?觀眾已演變成似個尖叫游戲和揮舞最佳道具比賽。

A new image morphing algorithm based on bezier feature curve is presented , which specifies morphing feature using bezier feature curve 提出了基于bezier特征曲線的圖象變形算法。該算法利用bezier特征曲線精確地指定了圖象變形的特征基元。

The group is morphing into a company called connected nation , and is helping to wire up the neighbouring states of west virginia and tennessee 這個集團正蛻變成一個名為國聯的公司,而且正幫助鄰州維吉尼亞的西部和田納西的布線互聯網。

This method employs the definition of discrete curvature of carmel and cohen , and presents the algorithm for morphing via discrete curvature interpolation 該方法引入carmel和cohen的離散曲率的定義,給出了離散曲率插值變形的算法。

The group is morphing into a company called connected nation , and is helping to wire up the neighbouring states of west virginia and tennessee 該集團正搖身變成一家叫國聯的公司,還正幫著鄰州維吉尼亞的西部和田納西布線互聯網。

As more and more of the available space is filled , the theory takes on increased validity and morphs into something we call a law 隨著越來越多的可獲得空間被填充,理論獲得了增加的正確性并逐漸形成了我們稱之為定律的東西。

When a soccer ball roaring through the air seamlessly morphs into a ball of flame , then a flaming panther , you know youre watching a master 當你見到一個足球好似黑豹一樣咆哮劃過天際的時候,你就知道你見到了一個高人。

In the same cloud band above the equator , the small swirls in the left - hand image have morphed into larger wave - like features in the right - hand photo 在左圖赤道上同一云帶中的小漩渦變形成了右圖中較大的波狀結構。