
morose adj.愁眉苦臉的;郁悶的;不高興的;脾氣壞的;乖僻的。...


The guarded glance of half solicitude , half curiosity , augmented by friendliness , which he gave at stephen s at present morose expression of features did not throw a flood of light , none at all in fact , on the problem as to whether he had let himself be badly bamboozled , to judge by two or three low spirited remarks he let drop , or , the other way about , saw through the affair , and , for some reason or other best known to himself , allowed matters to more or less . . 他出于友誼,就對斯蒂芬投以關懷與好奇交加的謹慎目光。然而未能弄明問題,確實一點兒也沒能弄明。從斯蒂芬所吐露的意氣消沉的三言兩語來看,這個青年到底是被狠狠地捉弄了一番呢,還是截然相反:盡管已經看穿事情的本質,出于只有他自己才最明白的理由,卻多少加以默認。

Earnshaw sat , morose as usual , at the chimney - corner , and my little mistress was beguiling an idle hour with drawing pictures on the window panes ; varying her amusement by smothered bursts of songs , and whispered ejaculations , and quick glances of annoyance and impatience in the direction of her cousin , who steadfastly smoked , and looked into the grate 恩蕭坐在爐邊角落里,和往常一樣的陰沉,我的小女主人在玻璃窗上畫圖來消遣時光,有時哼兩句歌,有時低聲喊叫,或者向她那個一個勁地抽煙,呆望著爐柵的表哥投送煩惱和不耐煩的眼光。

He is a dark - skinned gipsy in aspect , in dress and manners a gentleman : that is , as much a gentleman as many a country squire : rather slovenly , perhaps , yet not looking amiss with his negligence , because he has an erect and handsome figure ; and rather morose 在外貌上他像一個黑皮膚的吉普賽人,在衣著和風度上他又像個紳士也就是,像鄉紳那樣的紳士:也許有點邋遢,可是懶拖拖的并不難看,因為他有一個挺拔漂亮的身材而且有點郁郁不樂的樣子。

He was moody , too ; unaccountably so ; i more than once , when sent for to read to him , found him sitting in his library alone , with his head bent on his folded arms ; and , when he looked up , a morose , almost a malignant , scowl blackened his features 他還郁郁不歡,簡直到了難以理解的程度。我被叫去讀書給他聽時,曾不止一次地發現他獨自一人坐在圖書室里,腦袋伏在抱著的雙臂上。他抬頭時,露出悶悶不樂近乎惡意的怒容,臉色鐵青。

Her morose finance , who also happens to be a detective , decides to drag out the killer by all means . the deceased mina enters the gate of death and confronts the gatekeeper who offers her several choices . . 美奈死后,在鬼門關遇上守門使者,讓她在往天堂和地獄中作出選擇;另一方面,神崎在幾個朋友的協助下,漸漸查到這宗案件可能和科技公司的老板kudo (大澤隆夫)有關

And the leader of the eunuchs said to daniel , i fear my lord the king , who has appointed your food and drink ; for why should he see your faces being more morose than those of the children who are of your own age 10太監長對但以理說,我懼怕我主我王,他已經派定你們的飲食;為何叫他看見你們的面貌,比你們同歲的少年人瘦弱難看呢?

Statistically , the rich are not only becoming more numerous , but also younger , thanks to lucrative stock options and company buyouts in recent years . this , too , may produce morose millionaires 統計數字顯示,得益于豐厚的公司股權和近幾年公司的并購,富人越來越多,也越來越年輕,同時也產生了憂郁的百萬富翁。

But the morose workers passing through mirafiori ' s gates doubt that the jobs will ever come back whatever the firm says about new models and future investment . fiat auto will lose around 但悶悶不樂的工人們在走出米拉菲奧里工廠大門時懷疑不論公司把新車型和未來的投資說得如何天花亂墜,工作也不會回來了。

Denisov was biting his moustache with a morose air , listening to the conversation , evidently with no desire to take part in it 杰尼索夫咬了一下胡髭,面色陰沉地靜聽發言,顯然他是不愿意參與這次談話的。

One easy , although unkind , way of dealing with two morose teenagers is to play one off against the other 有一個簡單然而有點冷酷的方法來對付這兩個難處的青年? ?記他們互相爭斗你從中得利。

He had been there often , during a whole year , and had always been the same moody and morose lounger there 整整一年了,他常去他們家,卻永遠是那樣一個沮喪的憂傷的閑人。

His brown , morose face , with its sullen brows , could be clearly seen in the light of the glowing embers 他緊鎖雙眉,褐色面孔陰沉沉的,在通紅的炭火的光亮中清晰可見。

Pat buchanan , a speechwriter who considered himself nixon ' s conservative conscience , was morose 帕特?布坎南,這個自視為尼克松保守主義良心的演說撰稿人,悶悶不樂了。

Morose delectation aquinas tunbelly calls this , frate porcospino . unfallen adam rode and not rutted 失足前的亞當曾跨在上面,卻沒有動情。

He came home tired and morose after a long and unsuccessful day ' s work 一整天不順心的工作之后,他回到家時很疲倦且悶悶不樂的。

He lost his morose depressed attitude and began to open his heart to others 他那消沉的情緒為之一掃而光,開始與人熱情交往。

If you ' re morose overall , are you going to start telling jokes 如果你總體上抑郁寡歡,你會去講笑話嗎?

He became morose and isolated , began to drink heavily 人們漸漸孤立了變得暴躁的他他于是開始酗酒

What ' s he got to be so morose about 他這么乖僻到底是什么原因?