
moron n.白癡;〔口語〕低能的人。moronic adj.〔美...


Did she cheat on you ? - no , you moron -她對你不忠-沒有,別傻了

Look , if you take what this moron takes , 聽著,如果你肯和他拿的一樣

Because throughout many years some thoughtless morons 因為這么多年來,一些毫無思想的低能兒

You re suicidal morons ! what are you , crazy 你們這些自尋死路的笨蛋

Omni consumer products . what a bunch of morons 全銷公司里全是笨蛋,

You moron . it ' s pronounced jajang noodle 你這笨蛋,應該讀成jajang面

We said we wouldn ' t use names . you moron 我們說過不再用名字,笨蛋!

Oh . we looked like morons , didn ' t we 哦,我們看起來像是神經病,是吧

- did she cheat on you ? - no , you moron . . -她對你不忠-沒有,別傻了. .

I ' ll kick your steroid - loving ass moron 我要踢爛你那渴望類固醇的屁股

Did she cheat on you ? - no , you moron . . 她對你不忠-沒有,別傻了. .

Laura , dear , i cannot stand these morons any longer 勞拉,親愛的,我再也受不了這些白癡了

. . . the moron is having a party of his own . . .那個笨蛋正在過自己的聚會

That ' s why you get no respect even with rank , moron 所以就算你升官了也沒人把你放在眼里

How about now , you bean - counting moron 現在如何,你這個吹毛求疵的笨蛋

Didn ' t i tell you that it was too early , moron 難道我沒告訴過你時機還不成熟嗎,笨蛋!

You liked it and you bought it , you moron 你喜歡它,所以你買下了,白癡

- well , the thing of it . . . - you mumbling moron -嗯,這件事… … -你這個嘟嘟囔囔的笨蛋!

I ' m not upset = of course i ' m upset , you moron 我沒有生氣我當然生氣了,你這個笨蛋!