
moro n.,adj.(菲律賓伊斯蘭教馬來族之一的)摩洛族(的)...


First , the author builds the improved architecture based on behaviors for the mobile robot moro - i , proposes a full strategy of obstacle avoidance for region filling , and defines random obstacle and general obstacle which will be dealt with differently , - moreover , the multi - sensor system is set up which includes five groups of ultrasonic sensors for detecting the environmental information and the artificial neural network is used to fuse the information from each sensor group to achieve a precision of obstacle identification ; finally , the hardware and software are designed for the realization of obstacle avoidance 本文作者建立了移動機器人改進型基于行為的體系結構,提出了較完善的全區域覆蓋移動機器人的避障理論和策略,定義了突發障礙和一般障礙,并給予不同的處理方式;同時重點構建了多傳感器系統,采用五組超聲波傳感器用于檢測環境信息;基于人工神經網絡對每組獲取的信息進行分析和融合,從而較準確地完成了對障礙的識別;最后,通過軟硬件的設計,實現了特定的避障行為。

Mr . osvaldo moro , director of the yukio mishima cultural center and a would - be - initiate practicing the convenient method , conducted a thirty - minute interview with initiates on his radio program . mr . moro contributed enriching comments , emphasizing the many benefits of spiritual practice 此外,尤奇歐米希瑪文化中心主任摩洛先生也在空中之音廣播電臺他所主持的節目中,和同修進行了三十分鐘的訪談。

A new hybrid - flexible control architecture is discussed in detail . in the research , a prototype moro - i including mechanical body , driving system , localizing system and controller is designed 在基于知識和行為的兩種體系結構基礎上,提出了一種新的混合柔性體系結構,為移動機器人實現全自主運動提供了有效的理論依據。

In other transfer news , serie b outfit treviso have surprisingly snapped up alessandro moro from udinese on a loan deal with an option to buy half his contract at the end of the season 其他的轉會消息,意乙球會特雷維索令人稱奇地從烏迪內斯租借亞歷山德羅-莫羅一個賽季,并將在賽季結束后擁有其優先一半購買權。

In other transfer news , serie b outfit treviso have surprisingly snapped up alessandro moro from udinese on a loan deal with an option to buy half his contract at the end of the season 另外,據其他報紙報道,乙級隊特列維索在賽季末令人驚訝地從烏迪內斯手里買到了亞歷桑德羅?莫羅的一半所有權。

In august and october 2000 , seminars featuring master s video lectures were held at the city s yukio mishina cultural center , as requested by its director mr . osvaldo moro 今年8月和10月,我們在尤基歐米西娜文化中心主任奧斯瓦多摩洛先生的邀請下,于該文化中心各舉辦了一場師父錄影帶講座。

Mr . moro encouraged us to share master s teachings by taking the initiative and asking for places to show videos , so that master s message can reach all the media 摩洛先生鼓勵我們應該積極主動找電臺播放師父的錄影帶,與大眾分享師父的教理,讓真理的訊息遍及所有的新聞媒體。

In addition , local initiates have had several recent opportunities to speak on mr . moro s radio program “ informal “ , on the voice of the air radio station 此外,當地同修也有好幾次機會在空中之音電臺摩洛先生的廣播節目informal里介紹師父的教理。

Italian climber simone moro reflects on his life and mountain career during a winter attempt on the south face of shishapangma 義大利登山家西蒙莫若在嘗試冬天攀登希夏邦馬南壁的過程中,回顧了他的登山生涯與日常生活。

The first factory they visit is ralph ' s garments , a company owned by ralph moro , an american italian 他們參觀的第一個是拉夫服裝廠,廠主叫拉夫.莫羅,位一位意大利裔美國人。

The fundamental source of moro ' s frustrations is their inability to hold on cultural heritage with themselves 文化自主權的喪失才是摩洛人困境的根本緣由。

Moro islamic liberation front 摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線簡稱摩伊