
morning n.1.早晨。2.上午;〔廢、古〕(上層社會晚餐前的)白...

morning call

I could n't get the car started this morning . 今晨我無法把汽車發動起來。

I woke up around four o'clock this morning . 今天早上4點鐘模樣我就醒了。

I plan to start work tomorrow morning . 我計劃明天早晨開始上班。

In the morning we will put you ashore . 天一亮,我們再送你上岸。

She is always snappy early in the morning . 她黎明總是精力充沛。

I 've been teaching four periods this morning . 今天上午我已教了四節課。

Are you coming for a jog tomorrow morning ? 明天早晨你來慢跑嗎?

Dewdrops sparkle in the morning sun . 露珠在早晨的陽光下閃著光。

Somebody asked after you this morning . 今天上午有人打聽你來著。

The ship will reach port tomorrow morning . 那條船將于明晨靠港。

She is always snappy early in the morning . 她總是一大早就嚷嚷。

The story broke in a morning paper . 消息在一家晨報上透露出來了。

Let us steal away tomorrow morning . 我們要在明天早晨悄悄地溜走。

Sam left on a deer hunt this morning . 薩姆今天早上外出打鹿去了。

It is a bit fresh this morning , is not it ? 今天早晨有點兒涼絲絲的吧?

Let us leave the washing-up till the morning . 餐具留到明天上午再洗吧。

The delegation may arrive tomorrow morning . 代表團明晨或可到達。

I have been in a real spin all morning . 我整個上午都暈頭轉向的。

The next morning she came down with cold and fever . 第二天她感冒發燒。