
morn n.〔詩、古〕黎明,早晨;〔蘇格蘭語〕明天。 at mo...


Why we call public interest litigation as new litigation , one reason is that we have not set any system about public interest litigation in our civil procedure act and administrative procedure act ; another reason is that the history of public interest litigation is only morn than one hundred years which make it looks like a juvenility in the field of action law . for it is new , it must has more theory space and practice worth to study , so i choice it as my subject of master “ s degree 公益訴訟之所以被稱之為新型訴訟,一是因為在我國現行的民事、行政訴訟框架中沒有設置相關的制度;二是因為放在國際大背景來看,它的成長歷史也不過區區一百多年,是訴訟法領域內尚不成熟的“少年” ,正因其“新” ,充滿可供研究探索的理論空間,具有發展完善的實際價值,我選擇了它作為碩士論文的課題。

The next morn broke off the coast of aleria ; all day they coasted , and in the evening saw fires lighted on land ; the position of these was no doubt a signal for landing , for a ship s lantern was hung up at the mast - head instead of the streamer , and they came to within a gunshot of the shore 他們整天沿著海岸航行,到了傍晚時分,岸上燃起了燈火。這火光大概是約定的暗號,一看到這火光,他們就知道可以靠岸了,因為有一盞信號燈不是掛在旗桿上而是掛在桅頂上,于是他們就向岸邊靠近,駛到了大炮的射程以內。

Pacific glass cooperation has nine kiln hood . 15 bottle making line . 2flask making line . 2 glass cup making line and 1 infusing line which are advanced in china even in the world . the whole melt square morn than 400 ? . annually producing 250 thousand done 100 % sold in china and exported 公司有著健全的質量管理體系和先進的產品檢測設備,奉行“質量、成本、團隊、創新”的企業精神,積極引進新技術、改造設備、改善工藝、提升質量,增強市場競爭力,向著“做中國最好的玻璃企業”目標穩步邁進。

The morn is breaking . a duodene of birdnotes chirruped bright treble answer under sensitive hands . brightly the keys , all twinkling , linked , all harpsichording , called to a voice to sing the strain of dewy morn , of youth , of love s leavetaking , life s , love s morn 所有的音鍵都明亮地閃爍著,相互連結,統統像羽管鍵琴66般轟鳴著,呼吁歌喉去唱那被露水打濕了的早晨,唱青春,唱與情人的離別,唱生命和愛的清晨。

Due to the polarization of interest resulted from market economy , the local government makes decisions more and more in the background of the conflict of interest and more and morn people relevant to interest are involved in the decision - making 摘要市場經濟導致的利益分化,使得地方政府越來越多地在利益沖突的背景下進行決策,也使得越來越多的利益相關者在不同層面上介入決策。

Yea , as he gave his physical blood that doubt and fear might be banished , so he overcame death ; not only in the physical body but in the spirit body - that it may become as one with him , even as on that resurrection morn - that ye call thy eastertide 確實是的,他獻出自己的血和肉使疑惑和害怕可以遠離,他戰勝了死亡- - -不久是物理身體,更是靈體- - -在復活的早晨與?合一。

In this article , the fisheries management main dimension , such as length , breadth , depth of ship , was analyzed through that have been chosen for morn than ten fisheries management ships , obtaining calculative formulas that related to main dimention 摘要選擇十余艘性能優良的漁政船,對其船長、船寬、型深等主尺度做以分析,得出相應的計算公式。

Observe gvhd for 60 days . the results showed that mouse lymphoid cells were present in the sd rats detected by fluorescence activated cell sorter ( facs ) for morn than 90 days . the chimeric rates were 18 % - 45 % , 7 % - 23 % , 2 % - 8 % on day 30 , 60 , 90 respectively 隨著時間的推移,嵌合率逐漸下降。骨髓移植后60天及90天的嵌合率分別為7 - 23 , 2 8 。

The rhyme about the house that jack built ( “ this is the farmer sowing the corn / that kept the cock that crowed in the morn / . . . that lay in the house that jack built ” ) is an example of such a sentence 杰克蓋房子的童詩(這是農夫種的玉米田,這些玉米養活每天早上啼叫的公雞… … ,那就放在杰克蓋的房子里) ,就是這種語句的范例。

21st century is the time concerns morn about teachers themselves . therefore the expectation is that teachers will get overall renewed development and relevant studies on it would be more fulfilled 在21世紀的今天,在人類真正走進關注教師的時代,教師期望得到全新的發展,教師研究被期望得到全面的充實。

I saw her at morn , he replied ; she would have me to cut her a hazel switch , and then she leapt her galloway over the hedge yonder , where it is lowest , and galloped out of sight “我是在早上看見她的, ”他回答著, “她要我給她砍一根榛木枝,后來她就騎著她的小馬跳過那邊矮籬,跑得沒影了。 ”

At 1989 , cac has formulated the cpds and implemented it for morn than ten years . the changes and the developments in this period , is a practical model for the research 到目前為止,這一戰略已經實施了十多年,期間所經歷的種種變革與發展,為本論文的研究提供了較為理想的實證分析模型。

Ironically concealed under the carpet it lies until tess , with a sudden late intuition on her wedding morn , discovers its hiding - place and tears it up 誰知這封信像捉弄人似地被塞到了地毯下面去了,直到舉行婚禮的清晨,苔絲突然產生一種直覺,發現了信的所在,因已經晚了,她就將它撕了。

She was now of an age to run lightly along by her mother s side , and , constantly in motion , from morn till sunset , could have accomplished a much longer journey than that before her 珠兒如今已經長到能夠在母親身邊輕快跑動的年,一天到晚不肯閑著,就是比這再遠的路也能走到了。

A sepal , petal , and a thorn upon a common summer “ s morn - - a flask of dew - - a bee or two - - a breeze - - a caper in the trees - - and i “ m a rose 一個萼片,一葉花瓣,和一根荊棘在一個普通的夏日晨曦?一瓶露水?一只或兩只蜜蜂?一縷輕風?一株馬檳榔長在樹林里?而我,則是一朵玫瑰

After all , one could not stew in one s own juice . the spring came back . seasons return , but not to me returns day , or the sweet approach of ev n or morn 春天回來了”春大顯身手秋冬去復回,但是那歡樂的日子,那甜蜜地前來的黃昏或清晨,卻不向我回來。 ”

The dusky night rides down the sky / and ushers in the morn - henry fielding ; the twilight glow of the sky ; a boat on a twilit river 朦朧的夜晚從天空中降臨/前驅就在東方? ?亨利?菲爾丁;天空朦朧的光亮;朦朧的河流上的小船。

What meaneth the story of the christ , of his resurrection , of the man jesus that walked in galilee , without that resurrection morn 如果沒有復活的清晨,基督、那位行走在加利列的耶穌的故事,有什么意義?

Aw d rayther , by th haulf , hev em swearing i my lugs frough morn to neeght , nur hearken yah , hahsiver “老天在上,我寧可我耳朵里從早到晚聽咒罵,也不要聽你瞎叫喚! ”