
mormon n.摩門(基督復興教)教徒;〔pl.〕 〔美國〕猶他州人...


Determination and vision , coupled with religious zeal and leadership have built this city from the desert . you will visit the “ mormon “ temple and state capital 上午市區觀光,參觀猶他州政府大廈及耶穌基督末世圣徒教會之圣地和圣殿廣場temple square 。

The church of jesus christ of latter - day saints ( mormons ) meets regularly in a number of cities , but its membership is limited strictly to the expatriate community 耶穌基督后期圣徒教會(摩門教會)在一些城市定期聚會,但其成員嚴格限于外國僑民。

Why does the book of mormon appear to paraphrase from the preface to the king james version of the bible in helaman 5 : 31 and alma 19 : 6 為什麼《摩門經》的希拉曼書五章三十一節和阿爾瑪書十九章六節看起來像是《圣經》英王詹姆士譯本的前言的改述呢?

The mormon church retorts that an ill - educated farm boy such as he could not simply have made up so sublime a work as the book of mormon 摩門教會反駁說,像他這么一個沒有受過良好教育的農村男孩是不可能做出像是編造《摩門經》這樣的偉大事業。

Visit the famous temple square and learn about the mormon settlement in depth . later , head to the famous kennecott copper mine in magna , utah 繼而參觀世界最大的賓漢谷露天銅礦場bingham canyon copper mine ,并可購買各式各樣的銅制品。

Indo - european is much older than the book of mormon time period , yet vestiges of indo - european exist through all of europe and parts of asia 印歐語系是一個比《摩門經》里的時期更古老,但是印歐語系的殘馀存在于全歐洲和部分亞洲地區。

Salt lake city - bingham canyon copper mine morning tour in salt lake city , where to visit mormon temple , state capital and the city tour 繼而參觀世界最大的賓漢谷露天銅礦場bingham canyon copper mine ,并可購買各式各樣的銅制品。

Neither the archaeological record nor any account besides the book of mormon suggests their presence in pre - colombian america 除了《摩門經》之外,無論是考古學的記錄還是任何一筆賬目都沒有提到在美洲的前哥倫比亞時期有這些東西存在。

Passepartout could not behold without a certain fright these women , charged , in groups , with conferring happiness on a single mormon 作為一個甘心情愿抱獨身主義的路路通,看到摩門教幾個女人共同負起使一個男人幸福的責任,有點吃驚。

Joe pitt , an attorney who is mormon and republican , is pushed by right - wing fixer roy cohn toward a job at the justice department 其間louis和紐約最高法院干事joe pitt認識, joe亦在事業婚姻及其抑壓的性取向中掙扎著。

Why is it that numerous lds books and papers describe proposed book of mormon locations for cities and the “ narrow neck of land ” 為什麼許多摩門教的書籍和論文描述可能的《摩門經》的城市和細長像頸的地的所在地?

He grew up in a family of six kids and he speaks fluent japanese which he learnt while on a mission in japan for the mormon church 他生長在一個有六個孩子的家庭中,在日本為摩門教會做活動時學了一口流利的日語。

Why do the unfulfilled prophecies in the book of mormon remain unfulfilled ? example : jews becoming christian in mass 為什麼在《摩門經》里面尚未實現的預言至今仍未實現?舉例:大量猶太人成為基督徒。

He equated the saints wanting to attend the lsm sponsored events to the heretical mormons and jehovah ' s witnesses 他把那些想要參加lsm舉辦的特會的圣徒們比作異端的摩門教和耶和華見證人。

The book of mormon describes how jesus came to the new world after his resurrection and preached to native americans 《摩門經》記述了耶穌在復活后是如何來到新大陸,并向美洲土著布道的。

Why does the book of mormon describe wood forts with pickets to protect people ? much like the forts of frontier 為什麼《摩門經》描述木樁堡壘和盯哨來保護人群就像拓荒先鋒的堡壘?

Why were there missionaries in the book of mormon before christ ? that certainly wasn ' t the case in the old world 為什麼在《摩門經》在基督前就有傳教士了呢?在舊世界里并沒有這樣。

No evidence indicates that these items existed , in their book of mormon forms , during book of mormon times 沒有任何證據顯示這些東西在《摩門經》的時代以《摩門經》描述的形式存在。

Andrew fales , an accountant and campaign volunteer , was once a mormon missionary in the philippines 會計師安德魯?菲爾斯,一名競選活動志愿者,曾在菲律賓做過摩門教的傳教士。