
morley n.莫利〔姓氏〕。


The 2007 miss world competition has seen 106 beautiful and talented contestants spend an unfor - gettable month in china , but there could only be one winner and the applause rang out in the packed the - atre as julia morley , chairman of the miss world organisation and of the international panel of judges , announced the winner ' s name 2007年“世界小姐”大賽持續了一個月, 106位才女佳麗在中國度過了令人難忘的一個月,然而,冠軍只能有一個,當“世界小姐”機構、國際評委小組主席朱莉亞?莫莉宣布冠軍得主時,濟濟一堂的戲院頓時爆發出雷鳴般的掌聲。

Japan offers a temptingly quick cheap break , but ? for foreigners ? little or no enforceable contact with the kids thereafter , notes jeremy morley , a new york - based “ international divorce strategist ” 在日本,離婚手續很快就可辦妥,但來自紐約的“跨國婚姻離婚戰略家”杰里米-莫雷指出,對于外國人來說,離婚后就幾乎要強行斷絕與子女的聯系。

Japan offers a temptingly quick cheap break , but ? for foreigners ? little or no enforceable contact with the kids thereafter , notes jeremy morley , a new york - based “ international divorce strategist ” 日本跨國婚姻離婚手續辦起來即簡單,又不會花多少錢,這看起來很誘人,但是對于不是日本人的一方,今后與孩子見面的機會就會很少,甚至沒有。

In an exclusive interview , uk fisheries minister elliot morley said : “ unless we have proper conservation management then you are not going to have a long - term viable fishing industry . 在這次獨家訪問中,英國漁業部長elliot morley表示:除非我們采用恰當的保育管理方法,否則我們的漁業將無法薪火相傳。

It has now raised incredible millions of pounds thanks to the theme “ beauty with a purpose “ that was created by julia morley 25 years ago 由于25年前朱莉婭?莫利提出了“美麗與目的同行“這一主題,到目前為止,世界小姐比賽已經籌集了數百萬英鎊的資金。

After morley died in 2000 , his widow , julia , succeeded him and is now executive chairwoman of the 3x4 nomadic pop up with fabric panel 莫利先生于2000年改變人生,他的遺孀朱莉婭繼任成為現在組織機構的執行主席。

After morley died in 2000 , his widow , julia , succeeded him and is now executive chairwoman of the organizing agency 莫利先生于2000年去世后,他的遺孀朱莉婭繼任成為現在組織機構的執行主席。

Miss world pageant is an international beauty pageant founded in the united kingdom by eric morley in 1951 世界小姐大賽是埃里克?莫利于1951年在英國發起的一項國際選美盛事。

“ he and the council had already pondered the list of members returned to the parliament ” ( john morley ) “他和委員會已經認真地考慮過了重返國會的人員名單” (約翰?摩利) 。

In [ 1 ] , by modifying morley fem , a nonconforming robust fem is constructed 0 )的研究目前尚不多見,文獻對morley元進行改進,構造了一個robust非協調元

Cromwell was of the active , not the reflective temper ( john morley 克倫威爾生性躁動,缺乏深思熟慮的性格(約翰?莫利) 。

Yeah , it ' s morley . you ' ll never guess who my guy ran into 喂,是我默雷你肯定猜不到他碰到了誰

The competition was devised by eric morley 這項賽事的創始人當屬艾利克?默雷。