
moribund adj.瀕死的,垂死的,奄奄一息的;死氣沉沉的。n.將死...


In the , sandwichman , distributor of throwaways , nocturnal vagrant , insinuating sycophant , maimed sailor , blind stripling , superannuated bailiff s man , marfeast , lickplate , spoilsport , pickthank , eccentric public laughingstock seated on bench of public park under discarded perforated umbrella . destitution : the inmate of old man s house royal hospital , kilmainham , the inmate of simpson s hospital for reduced but respectable men permanently disabled by gout or want of sight . nadir of misery : the aged impotent disfranchised ratesupported moribund lunatic pauper 行乞方面:欺詐成性的破產者,對每一英磅的欠款只有一先令四便士的微乎其微的償還能力者,廣告人,撒傳單的,夜間的流浪漢,巴結求寵的諂媚者,缺胳膊短腿的水手,雙目失明的青年,為法警跑腿的老朽318 ,宴會乞丐,舔盤子的,專掃人興的,馬屁精,撐著一把撿來的凈是窟窿的傘,坐在公園的長凳上,成為公眾笑料的怪人。

Since the first batch foreign students of china appeared in latter stage of qing dynasty , they introduced western scientific cultural knowledge and concept and shook the moribund traditional culture foundation 自清末第一批留學生產生以來,留學生便是以盜火者的形象重返中華大地,引進西方的科學文化知識和思想觀念,動搖了腐朽的傳統文化根基。

Example : to europe ' s critics , the problems will seem like further evidence of economic stagnation ? a sign of how the moribund german economy , especially , is holding back growth 例證:在歐洲的批評人士看來,所有問題都進一步證明了經濟停滯的存在。這種狀態以奄奄一息的德國經濟為最,正阻礙經濟發展。

This was not uncommon in a country whose impressive recent growth , driven by soaring oil production , has done little to improve its moribund health - care system 這在一個靠石油產品飛速發展起來的國家里是常有的事,在改善垂死掙扎的醫療系統方面幾乎沒什么作為。

With one hand , mr qaddafi is opening libya to the world , inviting foreign investment and seeking advice on how to reform its moribund , oil - dependent economy 一方面,卡扎非向世界敞開利比亞的大門,邀請外國投資并尋找良方來改革衰落,依賴原油的經濟。

The company has been moribund for a time , but perhaps the new managing director will be able to breathe some life into it 一段時間以來公司已面臨倒閉,但新來的總經理也許能使它起死回生。

That would be an unfortunate side - effect of this long - overdue plan to revitalise china ' s moribund stockmarkets 對于遲來太久的中國股市起死回生大計來說,那將是一個非常不幸的副作用。

Soon , rain fell and continued for several days , bringing life back to the regions moribund fields 剎那間,大雨傾盆而下,連綿數日,為原本奄奄一息的巴摩爾地區帶來無限生機與活力。

One is whether separatism is quite as moribund as it now seems 其一就是,分離主義是否真的如同目前所見那樣垂死掙扎。

The few birds seen anywhere were moribund 隨處看見寥寥無幾的鳥兒在垂死掙扎。

A good reason for removing moribund and dead birds from a flock is to reduce the numbers of infectious organisms available to penmates . 清除雞群里臨死和死亡的個體,就是為了減少可以感染同群雞的傳染性微生物。

In the moribund patient deepening coma are the usual preludes to death . 病人彌留之際,加深的昏睡通常是死的前兆。