
morgue n.1.陳尸所,停尸室。2.〔美國〕(報館等的)資料室,...


Hospitals and morgues have been overwhelmed , and the bodies of many victims that have been recovered from the rubble are lying on the streets 醫院和停尸房都已經滿滿當當,一些稍微好轉的遇難者只能躺在路邊。

Hospitals and morgues have been overwhelmed , and the bodies of many victims that have been recovered from the rubble are lying on the streets 醫院和太平間已經超出負載,許多遇難者的尸體在街上被亂石覆蓋。

Hospitals and morgues have been overwhelmed , and the bodies of many victims that have been recovered from the rubble are lying on the streets 醫院和太平間爆滿,從瓦礫中挖出的許多受害者的尸體停放在街上。

Hospitals and morgues have been overwhelmed , and the bodies of many victims that have been recovered from the rubble are lying on the streets 醫院和停尸房都滿了,其他已經稍稍恢復受害者只能露宿街頭。

Hospitals and morgues have been overwhelmed , and the bodies of many victims that have been recovered from the rubble are lying on the streets 醫院和太平間都滿了,很多被救出的生還者只能躺在大街上。

Hospitals and morgues have been overwhelmed , and the bodies of many victims that have been recovered from the rubble are lying on the streets 醫院和收容所已經倒塌,許多廢墟中的生還者都躺在大街上。

Hospitals and morgues have been overwhelmed , and the bodies of many victims that have been recovered from the rubble are lying on the streets 醫院停尸間已坍塌,瓦利中的許多受害者的尸體遍布在街上。

Hospitals and morgues have been overwhelmed , and the bodies of many victims that have been recovered from the rubble are lying on the streets 醫院和太平間人滿為患,很多傷者都躺在馬路上接受治療

The grief - stricken parents flew to san francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son 于是他們傷心欲絕地飛往舊金山,并在警方帶領之下到停尸間去辨認兒子的遺體。

The grief - stricken parents flew to san francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son 悲痛欲絕的雙親飛抵舊金山后被帶到市殯儀館去辨認兒子的遺體。

After the body was taken to the morgue , medical staff saw he was still moving 在他被移到停尸間時,醫務人員發現他還能動彈。

Start with the morgue 和她去停尸間

Being kept in the morgue 已經送到太平間了

“ on our way to the morgue “正在前往停尸間”

He was carried to the morgue 他被送到殮房了。

Miss pratt . our office in beriin has detained the morgue director 普拉蒂小姐我們柏林的警官已經拘留了太平間主管

Well , we got four mama ' s boys laying on slabs at the morgue 呃,有四個乳臭未干的小孩躺在我們停尸房的臺子上

“ i ' m waiting for you with hedva , my wife , to go to the morgue . “我在等你,和海德瓦一起,正要前往停尸間”

He ' s in morgue , you got it 他在太平間了,你明白嗎?