
morgan n.(美國佛蒙特州的)摩根品種馬。


Morgan walked along the streets without understanding anything Morgan漫無目的地在街上走著

Morgan philip : i don ' t know . no one will tell me 摩根?菲利普:我不知道,沒有人愿意告訴我。

That s fair enow , said the old man morgan “這話有理。 ”老摩根說。

Clinical control study of pph and milligan - morgan 吻合器痔環切術與傳統痔切除術臨床對照研究

Morgan seal u . s . - china joint venture company in china group 中美聯手在中國組摩根密封件公司

I don t rightly know , sir , answered morgan “我弄不太清楚,先生。 ”

During his earliest missions , morgan looked at the stars 在他以前的任務中, morgan看著星星

Morgan , honey , remember how you ' re no longer a baby 親愛的,記住你已經不再是個小寶寶了?

He had already forgotten the name he “ d had before morgan 他已經忘記了在morgan之前的名字

Morgan stanley capital international china index 摩根士丹利資本國際中

Morgan had taken on missions that were far more dangerous Morgan曾執行過危險得多的任務

Okay , you ' re gonna do this with morgan price 好,你要對付摩根不來茲

It ' s broken , morgan . it ' s just gonna keep doing this 這摔壞了, morgan .一直都會這樣的

2 mr . morgan : this is my . . . , juliet 摩根先生:這位是我的… … ,朱麗葉。

Ay , ay , sir , he took it , sure enough , returned morgan “吃了,吃了,先生,他真吃了。 ”

By the powers , tom morgan , it s as good for you “謝天謝地,湯姆摩根,這對你太好了! ”

When he returned to earth , morgan realized 當morgan回到地球時,他認識到

During his earliest missions , morgan looked at the stars 以前執行任務時, morgan看著星星

Morgan , this crop stuff is about a bunch of nerds Morgan ,田里的那個東西是一群瘋子干得