
morel n.【植物;植物學】牛肚菌;龍葵。


The thesis makes the marketing theories aim at the estate marketing , and particularly is on the market strategy usage morel in consideration of the “ immobility “ and the “ local area of the real estate market “ of the real estate product characteristic , in the advertisement medium choice , pop advertise application , price establishment , the process make a point to aim at the estate marketing 而不會在問題出現后無所適從,或忙于應對,或對方案全盤否定,或找不到問題的癥結所在。論文努力使市場營銷理論有針對性地運用到房地產市場營銷中,尤其是在營銷策略使用上更多地考慮到房地產產品的“不動性”和房地產市場的“區域性”特征,在廣告媒體選擇、 pop廣告運用、價格制定過程中注重針對性和靈活性。

Taizu ' s promotion of culture the theory influenced drama creations and play and made it adapt the political culture , even influenced drama creations of ming beginning , treated drama as “ morels and custom “ and “ carry a way “ of the government teaching tool 太祖推行的教化論影響了戲曲的創作和搬演,使之適應政治教化的需要,甚至影響到明初的戲曲創作,使明初創作的戲曲成為“風化” “載道”的政教工具。

29 girard p r . einstein s equations and clifford algebra . advances in applied clifford algebras , 1999 , 9 : 225 - 230 . 30 catte f , lions p l , morel j m , coll t . image selective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion 文章還用專門的部分分析了四元數擴散與其它顏色擴散的關系,如四元數擴散與最近提出的廣義空間彩色擴散的關系,及近似情況下四元數擴散與最近提出的復彩色擴散一定意義下的一致性。

Their conversation was interrupted by several voices shouting at the gates , and morel coming in to tell the captain that some wrtemberg hussars had come and wanted to put up their horses in the yard in which the captains had been put up 他們的談話被大門口幾個人的嘈雜的語聲和莫雷爾走進房間所打斷,他來報告上尉,符騰堡的驃騎兵來了,要把馬匹安置在院子里,可是院子里已經駐下了上尉的馬匹。

In it is a small pastry brush with which berger gently wipes the top of every main course whether it is the more expensive sea bass with fennel , the blackleg chicken with morels or the sausages served with mash 盤子里有一個糕點小刷子,伯杰用其在每道主菜的頂部輕輕刷上一遍,不管這道主菜是昂貴的茴香鱸魚、羊肚菌雞肉,還是臘腸肉末。

Chinese executive chef sze fai uses different ingredients and cooking methods to prepare the mushrooms and fungi dishes , which include ling - chi mushrooms , termite mushrooms , sarcodon aspratus morel mushrooms and yellow fungi 各款菇菌包括靈芝菇雞蓯菌羊肚菌榆耳及黃耳等,營養豐富而熱量低,最適合追求健康的人士享用。

The old soldiers , considering it beneath their dignity to show interest in such trifles , lay on the other side of the fire , but now and then one would raise himself on his elbow and glance with a smile at morel 年長的士兵認為干這種無聊的事有失體面,他們躺在火堆的另一邊,時而用臂肘支起身子微笑著看一下莫雷爾。

When morel had drunk some vodka and eaten a bowl of porridge , he suddenly passed into a state of morbid hilarity , and kept up an incessant babble with the soldiers , who could not understand him 莫雷爾喝了伏特加和一碗稀飯之后,突然異乎尋常地快活起來,不停地對那些聽不懂他的語言的士兵嘟嘟嚕嚕。

Morel , a little , thickset frenchman , with swollen , streaming eyes , was dressed in a womans jacket and had a womans kerchief tied over his forage cap 莫雷爾是一個矮小敦實的法國人,他兩眼紅腫,流著眼淚,軍帽上扎一條女人的頭巾,穿一件女人的皮襖。

But as the captain had the wine they had picked up as they crossed moscow , he left the kvass for morel , and attacked the bottle of bordeaux 但是,由于上尉移防穿過莫斯科時已搞到了葡萄酒,他便把克瓦斯給了莫雷爾,專注于那瓶波爾多紅葡萄酒。

Efficacy : mix the sweet flavor of honey and the fresh flavor of yellow morel ; give sweet and joyful feeling 功效:蜂蜜香甜的保濕功效,令肌膚潤澤,散發出優雅的氣息;蜂窩草的清新味道,使人感覺甜蜜、愉悅。

Put dried morel in tepid water for around 60 - 240 minutes , then clean them in running water , finally cook them in your method 乾羊肚菌用溫水泡60 - 240分鐘,再洗凈即可配肉類燜、燉、煮、炒,中西餐皆宜。

Qin yanrong . “ mrs morel and lawrence ' s puritan ethics . ” journal of peking university ( special issue , 2002 ) : 136 - 39 施密特: 《基督教對文明的影響》 ,汪曉丹趙巍譯。北京:北京大學出版社, 2004年。

Morel , pointing to his shoulders , gave the soldiers to understand that this was an officer , and that he needed warmth 莫雷爾指著他的肩膀,向士兵們示意,這是一位軍官,應當讓他暖和一點。

The exhausted french officer was ramballe ; the little man bandaged up in the kerchief was his servant , morel 那個精疲力竭的法國軍官叫朗巴萊那個臉上包著手巾的是他的勤務兵莫雷爾。

Ho - ho - ho - ho ! a hoarse guffaw of delight rose on all sides . morel , wrinkling up his face , laughed too 爆發出一片粗獷的,快樂的哈哈大笑聲,莫雷爾皺了一下眉頭,也跟著笑了。

And morel praised this pigs lemonade , which he had found in the kitchen 他們管克瓦斯叫limonade de cochon豬檸檬汁,莫雷爾就贊賞這種他在廚房里找到的limonade de cochon 。

How was it ? said the soldier morel was hugging , who was one of the singers and fond of a joke 哦,善心的善心的朋友們哪!這才是真正的人,我的好心的朋友們。

Rich smell of morel ( one kind of wild mushroom ) to enhance the taste of rib eye steak 松龍是一種蜂窩狀的稀有野生蕈菇,其濃郁香味特別適合襯托牛排的甘甜。