
moreen n.(做窗簾、帷幕等用的)云紋毛呢,云紋棉毛混紡呢。


It contained a bookcase : i soon possessed myself of a volume , taking care that it should be one stored with pictures . i mounted into the window - seat : gathering up my feet , i sat cross - legged , like a turk ; and , having drawn the red moreen curtain nearly close , i was shrined in double retirement 不一會兒,我從上面拿下一本書來,特意挑插圖多的,爬上窗臺,縮起雙腳,像土耳其人那樣盤腿坐下,將紅色的波紋窗簾幾乎完全拉攏,把自己加倍隱蔽了起來。

I mounted into the window - seat : gathering up my feet , i sat cross - legged , like a turk ; and , having drawn the red moreen curtain nearly close , i was shrined in double retirement 不一會兒,我從上面拿下一本書來,特意挑插圖多的,爬上窗臺,縮起雙腳,像土耳其人那樣盤腿坐下,將紅色的波紋窗簾幾乎完全拉攏,把自己加倍隱蔽了起來。

This article introduces the design ideas of the nature moreen fabric , processes and product characters 摘要介紹了自然界波紋織物的設計理念、工藝過程及產品特征。