
more n.莫爾〔姓氏〕。


You should show more civility to your host . 你應該對主人更有禮貌。

There is enough room for one or more people .. 多個把人也住得下。

One trespass more i must make on your patience . 還有一件事要叨擾。

It is then more impressive than speech . 那就是“此時無聲勝有聲。”

It might be more convenient for both of us . 別等我了,咱們兩便吧。

She never does more work than she can help . 她做工作,能少做就少做。

The steps were sagging even more than ever . 石級比過去更七歪八倒了。

The picture for africa is even more dismal . 非洲的情況更令人沮喪。

He broke off half way and said no more . 他話說了半截兒,又縮回去了。

There is more than a whiff of propaganda . 所含之宣傳實在不止一點點。

Day by day she learnt more about her job . 她日益了解自己的工作了。

I was not fond of any more country rambles . 我不打算再到鄉間游蕩了。

I'm enjoying it more than i expected to do . 我過得比想象的愉快得多。

I can 't eat any more ; i 'm full up . 我不能再吃了,我已經很飽了。

Or perhaps the summer fog was more general . 有的時候,夏霧更彌漫。

She knows french , much more english . 她法語也懂,英語就不必說了。

Things took a more decisive turn . 事情發生了更有決定性意義的轉折。

This village needs more educational work . 這個村子需要加強教育工作。

How can i stump a hundred acres more ? 叫我怎么樣再去開辟一百畝地?