
mordent n.【音樂】波音。


The author consider , researching the management function in conducive to enrich the theory of ideological political education , deepen mordent monument theory , open up new performance of ideology cal political education and management 在一定程度上,研究思想政治教育管理功能,有助于深化思想政治教育基本理論研究、思想政治教育方法理論研究,同時也有助于拓展思想政治教育實踐,具有重要的理論和實踐意義。

The capital market in china has offered much to the foundation of mordent enterprise system and corporate governance . but it restricts the company ' s administration 中國資本市場對建立現代企業制度,建立法人治理結構作出了貢獻,但資本市場對公司治理的作用是有限的。

The conception of customer management and its practice in mordent tourism industry 顧客管理概念及其在現代旅游業中的實踐