
mordant adj.1.諷刺的,尖酸的,尖嘴辣舌的。2.媒染性的;腐...


Odium silicate is used as adhesive in metal casting , fireproof material , paper board , electric welding material , crt screen ; as water purifying agent , scale remover ; as washing aid . buffer in detergent ; as sealant in oil drilling ; as ore flotation agent , slurry thinner and leakage - blocking material in mining ; as bleacher aid , mordant , sizing material , impregnating agent in textile dye & printing ; as anti - corrosion agent and insecticide in wood processing ; as basic ingredient for coatings 硅酸鈉被大量地用于制造工業作為填充劑,在金屬澆鑄中作為砂型粘結劑,版紙工業中被用作膠合劑,在耐火材料行業中用作粘結劑,在電焊條行業也用作粘結劑,在電子工業中可用作顯像管成屏的粘結劑,在水處理中用作處理劑,防結垢劑等。在合成洗滌劑行業中用作助劑,在清洗劑行業中用作清洗及防腐緩沖劑,在石油開采中用作防止井噴材料,在礦山開發中用作堵漏材料、礦石浮選劑和泥漿稀釋劑等。

To solve the problem of adverse influence on the environment exerted by the residue dye liquid from traditional dyeing of wool with acid mordant dyes by after - chroming , and to lessen the pressure of chromium - containing waste water treatment , the dyeing method was modified by adopting two - bath dyeing technique in which the initial dyeing liquid and mordant dyeing liquid could be used in the recycled way , thus saving dyestuff and reducing the drainage of chromium - containing waste water 摘要為解決傳統羊毛酸性媒介染料后媒法染色殘液對環境的影響,減輕含鉻廢水處理壓力,采用二浴循環染色技術對傳統羊毛酸性媒介染料后媒浴染色法進行改進,改進后的染色新工藝可以做到初染液及媒染液循環使用,節約了染料,并降低了含鉻廢水的排放。

Material for producing other barium salts ; used in the cotton reverting dyeing , leather industry , pesticide insecticide , fabric dyeing , mordant , water softener , steam antiscale , paper making , lake toner , extinction of rayon 氯化鋇是制造其它鋇鹽的原料,鹽水精制除硫酸根,棉布還原印染皮革工業農藥殺蟲劑織物印染媒染劑軟水劑鍋爐除垢劑造紙色淀顏料人造絲消光。

Class 2 paints , varnishes , lacquers ; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood ; colorants ; mordants ; raw natural resins ; metals in foil and powder form for painters , decorators , printers and artists 商標注冊類別2顏料、清漆、漆;防銹劑和木材防腐劑;著色劑;媒染劑;未加工的天然樹脂;畫家、裝飾家、印刷商和藝術家用金屬箔及金屬粉。

Class2 : paints , varnishes , lacquers ; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood ; colorants ; mordants ; raw natural resins ; metals in foil and powder form for painters , decorators , printers and artists 類別2 :顏料、清漆、漆;防銹劑和木材防腐劑;著色劑;媒染劑;未加工的天然樹脂;畫家、裝飾家、印刷商和藝術家用金屬箔及金屬粉。

Paints , varnishes , lacquers ; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood ; colorants ; mordants ; raw natural resins ; metals in foil and powder form for painters , decorators , printers and artists 顏料清漆漆防銹劑和木材防腐劑著色劑媒染劑未加工的天然樹脂畫家裝飾家印刷商和藝術家用金屬箔及金屬粉。

The natural dye sorghum red was extracted from sorghum and tested for dyeing cotton by orthogonal and single - factor expts . with direct , pre - mordant and post - mordant dyeing methods 摘要先對高粱紅天然染料進行提取,然后通過正交試驗及單因素試驗對棉織物進行了直接染色、預媒法染色、后媒法媒染染色試驗。

Application : polyester catalyst , oil paint desiccating agent , printing and dying mordant dyeing , chinaware paint , analysis reagent , apparent concealed ink , and so on 用途:用作聚酯、工業催化劑、油漆催干劑、陶瓷顏料、釉彩的配料、分析試劑、印染媒染劑、玻璃鋼固化促進劑和顯隱墨水等。

To be used in chromium electro - plating - metal surface coatings , making chromium catalyst - chrome oxide green - chrome yellow . also can be used as oxidant - mordant - timber preservation 主要用于鍍鉻金屬鈍化制造鉻觸媒氧化鉻綠鉻黃顏料,以及用做氧化劑及媒染劑,此外也可用于作木材防腐劑等

The results showed that the directly dyed samples had rate 3 ~ 4 rubbing and soaping color fastnesses , and the iron mordant dyed ones had rate 4 rubbing and soaping fastnesses 試驗結果表明:直接染色樣品的摩擦色牢度3 ~ 4級,皂洗色牢度3 ~ 4級,鐵媒染后摩擦色牢度和皂洗色牢度提高為4級。

Our factory is the mainstay enterprise which is specialized in the production of acid dyes , acid mordant dyes , basic dyes and direct dyes , process with customers materials 旋轉干燥機及其配套設備。并可進行需方產品加工工藝、加工配方、加工劑型及其他加工設備的試驗、研究。

With metal salts and organic acids as mordant , the dyeing properties of madder fabric dyed with sorghum red , a natural dye , were studied using pre - mordant and post - mordant methods 摘要分別以金屬鹽和有機酸為媒染劑,研究了天然染料高粱紅對亞麻織物的預媒、后媒法染色性能。

Database of manufacturers producing acid , basic , direct , disperse , mordant , reactive , and solvent vat dyes and pigments for application in textiles , leather , plastics , and paper -生產銷售母體為偶氮型蒽醌型酞菁型等,活性基為x型k型kn型km型ke型r型p型等的活性染料

The process conditions were optimized by orthogonal expts . for rare earth element ( ree ) pre - mordant and post - mordant dyeing of modified cotton fabrics with radixet rhizoma rhei ( rrr ) dye 摘要通過正交試驗,優化出大黃用于改性棉織物稀土預媒、后媒染色的最優工藝條件。

The results show that metal salt and organic acid mordant are both conducive to increasing the fabric ' s dyeing properties and fastness 結果表明,金屬媒染劑和有機酸媒染劑對高粱紅染料的染色性能均有所提高,其中金屬媒染劑的效果較好,且預媒法好于后媒法。

Block cipher is an important branch of mordant cryptography , and permutation theory has an important role in studying and designing of block cipher 分組密碼是現代密碼學中的一個重要研究分支,而置換理論在分組密碼的研究與設計中有著重要的地位。

The color fastness tests showed that ree mordant dyeing could improve the dyeing results of the above fabrics with rrr dye 通過對染色牢度的測試得出稀土媒染能增加大黃用于改性纖維素纖維織物的固色效果。

Specializes in the production of acid dyes , acid mordant dyes , basic dyes and direct dyes -主要生產燈芯絨及其他紡織品的染色加工和化工染料顏料助劑內外貿為一體的公司

It is complex with acid mordant blue 9 and 1 , is mainly applicable to dyeing of crude textile 本產品由酸性媒介蘭9加酸性媒介蘭1復合而成。