
morbidity n.1.病況,病狀。2.(一地的)發病率,致病率。


Analysis of the situation of occupational health surveillance and the morbidity of occupational diseases in guangzhou 常州市紡織企業布機檔車工職業健康監護現狀與對策

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for males aged 15 to 44 years is 560 15至44歲男性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是560 。

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for males aged 45 to 64 years is 418 45至64歲男性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是418 。

However , it has high morbidity rate for adult femoral fractures and the indication should be controlled strictly 而對成人股骨干骨折并發癥較多,適應證要嚴格掌握。

Neertheless , there was high morbidity and mortality , with the prednisolone group doing significantly worse 然而,氫潑尼松組有明顯的危害,即發病率和病死率很高。

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for females aged 5 to 14 years is 4 5至14歲女性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是4 。

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for males aged 5 to 14 years is 11 5至14歲男性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是11 。

Study on the morbidity of type diabetes and risk factors among residents from two communities of zhejiang province 浙江兩社區居民2型糖尿病患病率及危險因素研究

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for females with unknown age is 3 年不詳的女性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是3 。

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for males with unknown age is 10 年不詳的男性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是10 。

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for females aged 1 to 4 years is 4 1至4歲女性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是4 。

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for males aged 1 to 4 years is 4 1至4歲男性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是4 。

Analysis on morbidity rate of chronic disease and its major influential factors in urban resident of yinchuan 銀川地區城市居民慢性病患病現狀及影響因素分析

The new research is being published this week in the cdc publication , morbidity and mortality weekly report 報道說,兒童孤獨癥又稱是一種廣泛性發育障礙。

The oerall surgical morbidity rate was 25 % . three patients had hepatic adenomas in the explanted lier 總的外科發生率為25 。 3例患者的移植肝出現肝腺瘤。

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for females aged 0 year is 4 1歲以下女性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是4 。

Venous thromboembolism is a common vascular disease with clinically high morbidity and mortality 靜脈血栓栓塞癥是臨床上引起并發癥和死亡的一個重要原因。

The oerall surgical morbidity rate was 25 % . three patients had hepatic adenomas in the explanted lier 總體手術發病率為25 。 3例患者切除的肝臟有肝腺瘤

The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for males aged 0 year is 4 1歲以下男性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人數是4 。