
morbid adj.1.(精神上)不健全的,病態的;病態過敏性的。2...


The “ power and wealth “ city is a kind of morbid state city in which space and environmental resources were all controlled by power and wealth 摘要“權貴”城市是由權力和財富任意支配空間環境資源的病態城市。

Though hair and fingernails appear to keep growing after death , this is merely a morbid optical illusion at work 盡管看起來確實如此,人死后他們的手指甲和頭發反而更長了,但這種恐怖的現象僅僅是種錯覺而已。

Though hair and fingernails appear to keep growing after death , this is merely a morbid optical illusion at work 盡管看起來確實如此,人死后他們的手指甲和反而更長了,但這種恐怖的現象僅僅是種錯覺而已。

Morbid obesity is not only a matter of appearance , and it seriously affects the physical and psychological well being of the patient 病態肥胖不僅是一個人外觀的問題,更是影響身心健康的重大疾病。

The quest to enhance the balance between these conflicting objectives has inadvertently become a morbid desire for project managers 尋求在這些相互沖突的目標間的平衡已成為項目經理們的強烈愿望。

It seemed that the more lifeless he was at ordinary times , the more energetic he became at such moments of morbid irritability 看來,他平常顯得愈加暮氣沉沉,而在興奮時就會顯得愈加生氣勃勃。

Another notable risk factor was morbid obesity in the patient which confers a general increase in all - risk mortality 另一個顯著的危險因素是如果患者有病變的肥胖癥,將會增加所有疾病死亡率。

Mentioning death in polite society is considered morbid unless it ' s in the context of a lurid murder 在彬彬有禮的社交場合,提起死亡被認為是可怕的,除非是在敘述一件聳人聽聞的謀殺案。

Though hair and fingernails appear to keep growing after death , this is merely a morbid optical illusion at work 雖然表面看起來頭發和手指甲會在死后繼續生長,但這其實不過是一種錯覺。

Obstructive sleep apnea , a common comorbidity in morbid obesity , is an independent risk factor for nash 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停是病態肥胖的普遍同病,也是nash的獨立危險因子。

For a young man , this was rather a morbid turn of character , and so affected carrie 對于一個年輕人來說,這實在是一種不正常的性格。這使嘉莉的情緒也受到影響。

When e . coli . exists , it is possible that other morbid bacteria may exist as well 為自來水污染的指標水中出現大腸桿菌時,表示可能有其他致病菌同時出現。

Why do you like going to cemeteries so much ? is it some kind of morbid curiosity 你為什么這么愛去墓地?是不是有些不太正常?

His sunken eye - pits were of morbid hue , and the light in his eyes had waned 他眼眶深陷,一臉病容,眼睛的昔日光彩也消失了。

Analysing the phenomenon of healthy personality and morbid personality of leading cadres 領導干部健康人格與病態人格現象分析

Peculiar mind of an unrivalled talent - on xu wei ' s morbid personality and his literary creation 徐渭的病態人格及其文學創作

Why are you so morbid 你怎么病懨懨的?

Ln a morbid kind of way 有點黑色的那種

It was nonsense , i told him , the product of an immature and even morbid mind 我告訴他,這是不成熟的產物和病態的心理。