
moray n.【動物;動物學】海鱔科魚,海鱔 (moray eel...


This paper takes the bed course of moray house school of education , university of edinburgh and the pgce course of institute of education , university of london as examples , and analyses their status , characteristics and negative effects 摘要本文以2006年度愛丁堡大學莫雷教育學院bed課程計劃和倫敦大學教育學院pgce課程計劃為例,透析英國當前的職前教師教育課程,對其現狀、特點及負面效果進行闡述分析。

The second case was an imported case in which a 33 - year - old woman and four of her mainland relatives developed symptoms of ciguatoxin poisoning after eating moray eel in dongguan on october 21 另一宗個案涉及一名33歲女子及她四名在內地的親屬。他們于十月二十一日在東莞進食油錘后出現中雪卡毒徵狀,各人均需在當地醫院留醫。

Perhaps , mary . they said that , yesterday . but now that moray ' s herei don ' t know . i ' m afraid . please help me ! ’ he began to cry again . ‘ what can we do “也許吧,瑪麗。他們昨天是這樣說的。不過現在馬里回來了我不知道。我很害怕,請幫幫我吧! ”他又開始哭了起來。 “我們該怎么辦? ”

Scientists have observed a dolphin trying to get a reluctant moray eel to come out of its crevice by poking it with the spiny body of a dead scorpionfish 科學家觀察到一只海豚使用多刺的,已死的蚰魚來戳石縫中的海鰻,好把它趕出來吃掉。

The centrally located tank is home to 500 tropical fish from placid nurse sharks to less neighborly moray eels 中間的水池里有500多種熱帶魚,從性情溫和的藍魚到莫立鰻魚,讓人嘆為觀止。

I was feeding the moray , 我要喂海鰻了

In both cases , the suspected fish is believed to be moray eel 這兩宗個案懷疑都是涉及油錘。

And , well , a lot of people don ' t know this about the moray , 呃,很多人并不知道海鰻的這個習性

Either way the moray was already on the brink 不管怎樣, “海鰻號”已處于生死關頭。

A moray eel would never eat kippers . far too salty 海鰻是不吃腌魚的,太咸了

Yellow margin moray eel , moray eel , leopard moray , . . . 烏絲斑假星斑黃細倫. .

Negroes are prostrate everywhere and morays and crawfish and spider crabs are moving around and over their bodies . 到處是黑人,傾身匍匐在地,海鱔,小龍蝦,尖頭蟹,在他們身上爬上爬下,爬東爬西。

American torpedoes were still failing when the moray set forth on its first war patrol . “海鰻號”首次出發作戰備偵察,此時美國魚雷的質量還沒過關。

Either way the moray was already on the brink . 不管怎樣,“海鰻號”已處于生死關頭。