
moravian adj.摩拉維亞的。n.摩拉維亞人;〔pl.〕【宗教】摩...


There was a joyous celebration that sunday , with many former residents , some in wheelchairs , others leaning on walking sticks , along with their children and grandchildren , making their way up the hill to the moravian church . master initiated new seekers there after her lecture at the pwr . old friends were reunited 星期日當天是個充滿歡慶喜悅的日子,有許多以前的居民,或坐著輪椅或拄著?杖,帶著他們的兒孫一路來到小山丘上的摩拉維亞教堂師父在世界宗教大會開示完畢后,曾在這里幫一些求道者印心,欣慶老友得以重聚相逢。

In the characteristic regional style known as olomouc baroque and rising to a height of 35 m , it is decorated with many fine religious sculptures , the work of the distinguished moravian artist ondrej zahner 圣柱屬于一種獨特的地區建筑風格奧洛穆茨巴洛克風格,高35米,柱身以出自摩拉維亞的藝術家昂德黑扎內之手的許多精美的宗教雕刻裝飾。

If we were in vienna , it would be easy enough ; but here , in this vile moravian hole , it is more difficult , and i beg you all for assistance 如果在維也納,那是容易辦到的事。可是在這里, danscevilaintroumorave ,就更難辦了,因此,我向你們大家求援。