
moratorium n.(pl. moratoriums, -ria ) 1...


First , in order to prevent a credit crunch , there would be a two - year moratorium during which credit providers would not be allowed to access the credit data of their existing customers 第一,為避免出現信貸緊縮,貸款機構在兩年的禁制期內不得查閱現有客戶的信貸資料。

In the region itself , indonesia , worst hit by the disaster after an earthquake off its northeast coast started the tidal waves , called for any moratorium to come without conditions 在受災地,印尼要求無條件延期償債。印尼東北部海區的地震引發了海嘯,該國受災最重。

In 1977 , convicted killer gary gilmore became the first person put to death in the united states after the u . s . supreme court ended a 10 - year moratorium on executions 1977年,在美國最高法院終止了歷時10年的取消死刑決定之后,吉爾摩成為美國第一名被處死的犯人。

In june , the corporation launched public consultations on its intention to end a three - year moratorium on fare adjustments , by proposing a 今年六月,公司展開公眾諮詢,聽取公眾對結束長達三年的票價凍結期的意見,并建議提高加權平均票價,增幅為百分之三點一。

“ we didn ' t ask for a debt moratorium , they offered it us , “ finance minister jusuf anwar told reporters . “ ideally the moratorium is free ( of conditions ) “我們沒有要求延期還債,他們主動這樣做了, ”財政部長安瓦爾告訴記者: “延期沒有附加條件,非常好。 ”

I do not propose to rehash today the rationale of the moratorium which was introduced as part of a package of exceptional measures to bring relief to the economy 暫停賣地是一系列紓緩經濟的特殊措施的其中一環,我今天不打算重覆講述采取這項措施的原因。

About 1 350 hong kong fishing vessels were affected and most of them were not adequately prepared to cope with this first - ever moratorium in the region 受影響的香港漁船約有1350艘,當中大部分未有足夠準備,因而難以應付首次在這海域內實施的休漁期。

The government announced today ( april 6 ) a series of measures to help local fishermen to cope with the fishing moratorium in the south china sea this year 政府今日(四月六日)宣布一系列措施,協助本地漁民配合今年在南海實施伏季休漁的各項事宜。

“ meanwhile , afcd would continue to maintain close liaison with the mainland authorities on issues related to the fishing moratorium , “ he added 他續說:漁護署會繼續與內地部門緊密聯絡,商討與休漁措施有關的各項事宜。

Few government decisions in the last few months have generated as much ongoing public discussion as the moratorium on land sales 在過去數個月政府所作的決定,沒有多少會好像暫停賣地那樣,引起公眾人士這么持續的討論。

Surprisingly , the iwc ' s moratorium is voluntary and it is up to a country if they wish to join the iwc or not 出人意料的是,國際捕鯨委員會的禁令是出于自愿的,它是一個國家,如果他們愿意加入國際捕鯨委員會或不是。

Note : the trustees have placed a moratorium on the receipt of new 3 - h grant applications due to the limited availability of program funds 注意:由于經費短缺,保管委員會在2001年7月1日暫停受理新的3 - h獎助金申請。

In december 1994 , china joined in the un general assembly ' s consultation on its resolution concerning the moratorium on the export of apls 1994年12月,中國參加了聯合國大會關于暫停出口殺傷人員地雷決議的協商。

Russia ' s foreign minister sergei lavrov has said a new moratorium on iranian enrichment is needed to help ease international concerns 俄羅斯外長拉夫羅夫表示,伊朗需要再次暫停濃縮活動,以緩和國際社會的憂慮。

In practical terms , the nebraska decision amounts to a moratorium on the death penalty in the state , not just a ban on a method 實際上,內布拉斯加州的決定是在一段時間后廢除該州的死刑,而不是只禁止一種手段。

Iran broke the seals on its uranium enrichment facilities earlier this month , effectively ending a two - year moratorium on its research 伊朗這個月初拆除了鈾濃縮設施的封條,打破了持續2年的核研究停頓狀態。

The moratorium was a necessary arrangement designed to moderate the working of market forces for a time 共用正面信貸資料設立禁制期有其必要,目的是使共用正面信貸資料的措施與市場運作有一段緩沖期。

The us held back from backing a moratorium it would consult the affected countries before deciding what action to take 美國在延期償付事宜上尚未表態,它將征求受災國的意見,然后決定采取何種行動。

Russia has urged iran to resume its moratorium on nuclear activities and to cooperate with the international atomic energy agency 另外,俄羅斯敦促伊朗再次停止核活動,與國際原子能機構合作。