
morass n.泥淖,沼澤;艱難,困境;墮落。

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This article try to use theory and practice of difference brand to establish a health - care food brand , analysis difference brand - position , abstract core - value , establish brand - identify , make difference brand work plan , research on brand - position , core - value management and brand - identify , offering a way to help those enterprise confront morass on manage brand stratagem this article emphasis on that analysis environment of enterprise , analysis customer , product and competitive , to implement difference brand - position base on brand ' s functionality and sensibility difference , and apply difference brand - position to actualize brand ' s core - value by product - identify , enterprises - identify , individuality - identify and symbol - identify , make a plan of difference work , ultimately achieve a specific position to suit target customer 本文主要針對企業在實施品牌差異化戰略過程中,品牌差異化定位以及與此密切相關的品牌核心價值管理和品牌識別管理的基本理論和方法展開嘗試性研究,通過筆者為一個保健品品牌實施品牌差異化的研究案例,將品牌差異化戰略的理論和實踐密切結合,分析品牌差異化定位、提煉品牌核心價值、建立品牌識別體系、制定完整的品牌差異化推廣方案,力圖為面臨品牌創建困境的企業提供一條可借鑒的思路。

I am sure you cannot long be content to pass your leisure in solitude , and to devote your working hours to a monotonous labour wholly void of stimulus : any more than i can be content , he added , with emphasis , to live here buried in morass , pent in with mountains - my nature , that god gave me , contravened ; my faculties , heaven - bestowed , paralysed - made useless 我確信你不會長期滿足于在孤寂中度過閑暇,把你的工作時間用于一項完全沒有刺激的單調勞動, ”他又強調著補充說, “就象我不會滿足于住在這里,埋沒在沼澤地里,封閉在大山之中一上帝賜予我的天性與此格格不入,上天所賦予的才能會被斷送會弄得一無用處。

After years of [ color = red ] loose money [ / color ] in financial markets , some observers think the mortgage morass could cause investors to rethink their attitude to other forms of credit risk , such as high - yield bonds 一些觀察家認為,金融市場經過多年的頭寸松之后,房貸泥潭可能會使投資者重新思考他們對其他信用風險形式的態度,比如高收益債券。

Although state power tries its best to ensure its normal practice legislatively , nationalistic lawmaking idea makes the villager autonomy system look out on the operational morass 在國家立法中,盡管國家權力力圖以完善的法制體系保障它的正常運行,然而國家主義的立法觀又讓村民自治面臨操作困境。

The chinese , for their part , are looking for financial partners with global deal - making expertise to steer them through the political morass of investing in other markets 對中國公司來說,它們正在尋求擁有全球業務經驗的金融合作伙伴,幫助它們克服在海外市場進行投資可能遭遇的政治障礙。

But where silver stood with his lieutenant all was still in shadow , and they waded knee deep in a low , white vapour , that had crawled during the night out of the morass 但是西爾弗和他的副官所站的地方還都是在陰影之中,他們的膝部浸在夜間從沼地那邊蔓延過來的貼地的白色霧氣中。

In a dissimilar way , lost the ability to realize our self - discontentment , we will run into the morass of laze ; after all , the experience of pain make our consciousness (例子)相反,失去了認知自我不滿的能力,我們將陷入庸懶的泥沼;畢竟,痛苦的經歷使我們的意識更加敏銳

Until this happens , we re stuck in a morass of noninteroperable files that break as they re transferred across national , platform , and linguistic boundaries 除非這樣,否則當文件跨越國界、平臺和語言傳遞的時候,我們就會陷入不能互操作的泥潭。

The orcs are pushed back to the brink of the dark portal on the black morass 獸人被擊退到黑色沼澤的黑暗之門外圍

Morass can be witnessed everywhere 可處處溝坎泥淖

Organized abandonment gives them a way out of the morass 有組織的放棄給他們指明了離開這片沼澤的出路。

Thought of the state material company breaking away from the morass 國有物資企業擺脫困境的一些認識

Lothar destroys three outposts in the black morass 洛薩在黑色沼澤摧毀了三個崗哨

Two of the sweeping bastions appeared to rest on the water which washed their base, while a deep ditch and extensive morasses guarded its other sides and angles . 其中有兩座大碉堡就建在湖邊,一面的墻腳被沖刷著,另外的幾面和拐角處,則圍著一條很深的壕溝和一片開闊的沼澤地。