
morally adv.1.道德上,從道德上看。2.規規矩矩,正直地。3...


They believe that “ cannibalising7 ” an embryo for cells is morally unacceptable 他們堅信把一個胚胎“拆成“細胞,在道德上無法接受。

You do not have the authority , legally or morally , to obstruct public communication 不論就法律或道德而言,你都無權阻礙大眾通訊。

Education should enable every student to develop morally , intellectually and physically 教育應該使每個學生德、智、體全面發展。

Mrc : what influenced me morally , was the fact that i knew i wasn ' t at my best 我知道自己不在最佳狀態,這才是真正影響我的地方。

“ why do party members have to play a leadership role both intellectually and morally ? 為什么黨員在思想上和作風上得起帶頭作用

Qualified college students should develop morally , intellectually and physically 合格的大學生應當德、智、體全方位發展和進步。

Until we both realized it was absolutely mad and , obviously , morally wrong 直到我們都認為這太瘋狂了而且,很明顯,這是不道德的

You want to know if it is morally ok to fire someone for being annoying 你想知道,因為煩人而解雇一個人是否在道德上說得過去。

Morally there were only right and wrong ; evil had no place in america 從道德角度上講,只有對錯之分,在美國沒有邪惡的地位。

Don ` t you realize how morally repugnant and politically incorrect it is . . 你就沒有意識到把沃特天生的連體兄弟掩蓋起來. .

It is as morally hard to turn her away as it is a lost dog 從道義上講,你很難將她趕走,就像你很難趕走一條喪家之犬一樣。

Qualified college students should develop morally , intellectually and physically 合格的大學生應當德、智、體全面發展。

Don t you realize how morally repugnant and politically incorrect it is 你就沒有意識到把沃特天生的連體兄弟掩蓋起來

Aesthetically shocked ? yes ; we may sometimes be that . but morally , no 但我們并不感到震驚,至少在道德上沒有震驚。

There are lots of gray areas morally and ethically and spiritually 當我們應用那些真理的原則,問題就迎刃而解。

L feel morally compelled to inform you that there is a degree of pain , 我很遺憾地告訴大家,可能會有一定疼痛感

Don ' tyou ever feel morally superior , eddie ? hmm ? toyou i do 你感覺到過精神上的強勢嗎,埃迪? -對于你是的

Morally and legally , the responsibility to lead is america ' s 道德上,法律上,美國應該肩負起領導者的責任。

All the students should develop morally , intellectually and physically 學生們都應該德、智、體全面發展。