
moralize vt.1.訓導;賦與…德性,啟發…的德行;德化,教化。2...


The thought of moralizing - education has been greatly affected chinese traditional law , the systems of endurance , mixture of etiquette and laws , honoring the old and loving of the childhood , mediation , recording , family , marriage and inheritance are all influenced by the thought of moralizing - education of the confucianists 儒家教化思想對中國傳統法律有非常大的影響,中國傳統法律中的容隱、禮法混同、矜老恤幼、調解、審錄、家庭、婚姻、繼承等制度都受到儒家教化思想的影響。

The thought of moralizing - education in history is divided into these stages : the first is it ' s the origin and establishment including the thought of moralizing - education of zhougong , confucius , menzi , and xunzi , the second stage represents the development of the thought of moralizing - education , such as the thought of moralizing - education during the dynasties of han and tang , the third period is the continual stage of the thought of moralizing - education , inclusive of the periods of song , yuan , ming and qing dynasties 歷史上的儒家教化思想分成三個階段,第一階段為儒家教化思想的萌芽與形成,包括周公、孔子、孟子、荀子的教化思想;第二階段為儒家教化思想的發展階段,包括漢、唐時期的教化思想;第三階段為儒家教化思想的繼續階段,包括宋、元、明、清時期的教化思想。

Mary was obliged to mix more with the world , but she could still moralize over every morning visit ; and as she was no longer mortified by comparisons between her sisters beauty and her own , it was suspected by her father that she submitted to the change without much reluctance 曼麗不得不多多和外界應酬,可是她仍然能夠用道德的眼光去看待每一次的出外作客。她現在再也不用為了和姐妹們爭妍比美而操心了,因此她父親不禁懷疑到,她這種改變是否出于心甘情愿。

As to the relationship between moralizing - education and penalty , the confucianists think that moralizing - education is in the first place and penalty is supplementary , and they object to the simplicity of penalty . nevertheless , they do n ' t deny the functions of penalty 在教化與刑罰的關系上,儒家主張“教化為先” , “刑罰為輔” ,反對“專任刑罰” ,當然儒家并不否認刑罰的作用。

It was quite reasonable for the confucianism to maintain the points of view which properly deal with the relation of moralizing - education and penalty , and insist the dominant moralizing - education and supplementary penalty without denying the function of penalty 儒家正確認識教化與刑罰的關系,主張“教化為先,刑罰為輔” ,同時不否定刑罰作用的觀點是非常科學的。

In this paper i shall argue first that the special respect we ascribed to human embryos is based on their symbolic value of human life , and then i suggest a rule to moralize the bioethical debates beforehand 英文。給prof . cohon的報告bioethics , fall , 2001 。我在本文主張,我們賦予胎兒的價值,或許可以看成是一種象徵價值,象徵著生命的價值。

It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus , an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous thinking , cheap moralizing , and foolish philosophy 它存續至今,是因為讀者欣賞爽身怡心的刺激和不拘謙恭的告誡,它提醒讀者,他們生活的世界里充滿了陳腐的思想意識、低俗的道德說教和愚蠢的哲學理念。

But you ll not want to hear my moralizing , mr lockwood : you ll judge as well as i can , all these things : at least , you ll think you will , and that s the same 可是你是不會想聽我的說教吧,洛克烏德先生,你會跟我一樣地判斷這一切的。至少,你會認為你自己可以下判斷的,那就行了。

From this point of view , the confucianists insist that rich men is the first and moralizing - education the second , and the stable material life is the guarantee of moralizing - education 從民本思想出發,儒家主張“先富后教” ,老百姓有穩定的物質生活保證,教化才能推行。

If we cannot help the world in the different way , then we should meditate . we better ourselves ; we moralize our standards . that is also a great help 如果我們沒有其它更好的方法幫助世界,那我們就打坐使自己更好,提升自己的道德水準,那也是一大幫助。

If we cannot help the world in a different way , then we should meditate . we better ourselves ; we moralize our standards . that is also a great help 如果我們沒有其它更好的方法幫助世界,那我們就打坐使自己更好,提升自己的道德水準,那也是一大幫助。

Moralizing - education is based on the thought of the importance of people . the confucianists think that the people is the element of a country 教化思想是建立在民本思想基礎之上的,儒家認為人民是國家的重心。

Most of it , apart from a one - sentence mention of the soviet union ' s collapse , is relatively free of marxist moralizing 除了一句提到蘇聯解體的話,這部片子相對來說沒有馬克思主義式的說教。

But of course if a film moralizes about ethnic / national identity , you will probably want to analyze this aspect 但是若一部影片對族群或國族認同進行了教化,你當然可以去分析這個層面。

Prime minister meir said that rogers was “ moralizing “ and that the major powers could not make peace on behalf of others 梅厄總理說羅杰斯是在“說教” ,大國不能代替他人締造和平。

The thought of moralizing - education , which was stressed by the confucianists has great influence on their descendants 儒家重視道德教化的思想對后世影響很大。

He ought to have been a parson , so good is he at moralizing on the right way for people to behave 教導人們要守規矩他可是在行得很,他本該干牧師這一行。

A man who moralizing is usually a hypocrite , and a women who moralizing is invariably plain 說教的男人通常是個偽善者,而說教的女人則必定是個丑女。

A man who moralizes is usually a hypocrite , and a woman who moralizes is invariably plain 滿口道德廉恥的男人往往是偽君子,而女人簡直始終如此。