
morality n.1.道德,道義;倫理學;〔pl.〕倫理;德性,德義,...


A statement on environment morality of china in transition 談未成年人道德教育環境

On the constructions of the party style and civil morality 黨風建設與公民道德建設

Sci - tech development and morality - civilization cultivation 科技發展與精神文明建設

On education of the university students ' thoug ht morality 論大學生的思想道德教育

The ethic morality cultivation of the well - off society 小康社會的倫理道德建設

And be more grown up and accept morality . . 要成熟一點,接受道德規范的約束. .

On the procedure of morality by quot; lu and wang school quot 陽明心學之致知過程論

Socialist market economy and morality construction 社會主義市場經濟與思想道德建設

The problem in face of atheism morality construction 無神論道德建設面臨的問題

On confucius ' doctrine of morality and personality 試析孔子道德人格學說的主要范疇

Ecological morality - view of morality of sustained development 可持續發展的道德觀

Where morality actually does come from is less clear 道德究竟源自何處尚不清楚。

Construction of the professional morality of accountant 淺論會計的職業道德建設

The person without morality and talent should never be hired 無德無才,堅決不用

On liu xin ' s historic theory of new five moralities 論劉歆的新五德終始歷史學說

Research vocational morality of rural accountants 試論農村會計人員的職業道德問題

On the morality principles of democratic administration 依法治國與以德治國簡論

On individual morality self - discipline in net society 試論網絡社會的個體道德自律

A talk on the right of morality in the right of inheritance 簡論繼承權中的道德權