
moralistic adj.道學的,教訓的;道德主義的。


But whereas that was based on economic anxieties alone , china - bashing enjoys a much broader constituency : moralistic neo - conservatives , who have objected to america ' s china policy since nixon began “ appeasement ” in the 1970s ; defence types , who fear china ' s arms build - up ; fundamentalist christians , angry about china ' s repressively atheist ways 但是恐中癥并不完全是來自對經濟的焦慮,指責中國者有著更廣泛的支持者:守舊的新保守主義者,他們從20世紀70年代尼克松的“緩和”政策開始就反對美國的對中政策;中國武力威脅論者,他們害怕中國的武力擴張;正統的基督教原旨主義者,他們討厭中國強制性宣傳無神論的方式。

Rather than taking a moralistic approach when dealing with operating managers , human resource managers should stress the importance of increasing profits through effectively using the organization ' s human resources 在處理與運營經理的關系事,人力資源經理不要采用一種說教式的方法,而是應該強調通過有效地使用組織的人力資源來增加利潤的重要性。

The economist has never made any secret of its preference for the republican party ' s individualistic “ western ” wing rather than the moralistic “ southern ” one that mr bush has come to typify 本刊從不掩藏自己對共和黨個人主義的“西翼”派別的偏好超過了布什先生成為代表的道德主義的“南翼”派系。

Advising the concept of “ moralistic , humanistic and excelsior ” , sticking the spirit of “ what you want is what i choose ! ” we hope we can have a good future with you 企業倡導“以德立身、以人為本、以藝為精、以質生存”的經營理念,本著: “您的追求,我的選擇”的企業精神期待與你共創美好明天。

While the need for enforcing the code through sanctions is imperative , the bureau also has an instrument for approaching its mandate from the moralistic perspective 以懲處的方法執行守則固然是必須的,但守則局亦設有專責部門,透過道德教育去達成使命。

What material that has been available , has been superficial , moralistic , highly negative in tone , frequently flippant and often plain inaccurate 其他所擁有的資料,都是膚淺的、說教的、在基調上高度負面的、時常是輕浮的而且通常是根本就不準確的。

“ the moralistic army used our cooking pots as lavatories , “ mr bashir said . “ they dominate my bathroom and they use the toilet all the time 這支注重道德的軍隊把我們的鍋子拿來當馬桶用,巴希爾說。

Odd : he was so moralistic 神秘之處在于,他很喜歡說教

Hawthorne's attitude to his material is far from simply moralistic . 霍桑決不是用簡單的道德主義的態度來看待他的題材的。

Cowperwood saw things in no such moralistic or altruistic light . 柯帕烏卻不以這種道德的,利他主義的眼光來看事情。