
moralist n.道德家;道學家,道德主義者;倫理學家。


To realize this great selfish ambition , cultural and educational elite drastically criticized xikun scholars who held important political and educational positions but advocated poetic pursuit to escape from political dangers , and posed many models of educational discursive practice to control , better , and cultivate the full - of - desire societal life being neglected and thrown out of the academic sight by xikun school : firstly , in the early period , fan zhongyan and his followers , sun fu , and shi jie , et al . , believed that confucian principles could be used to reform political , and educational institutions and improve society ; secondly , after fan , wanganshi , being treated as cultural rebel by other traditional moralists and politic competitors , did a failure of national wide educational and political reforms to cultivate financial talents , based on his coarse economics knowledge about how to enrich the central government ; thirdly , ou yangxiu and su shi focused attention on reform the highly rigidified literature and art education system at that time according to their cultural ideal that everybody has the right to express what his daily life , emotions and dreams , which could be seen as an irony by the fact that only themselves “ life and feeling could enter into their literature and art education kingdom , while those who described lowly people “ s experience , such as liu yong “ s sentimental assays written specially for female performers and even the prostitutes , had to suffer from exclusion 但是,在十一世紀的文教空間中,真正值得考古學注意的知識是由理學家發明的,這不光因為,正是理學(而不是范學、王學、蘇學等這些在當時權力更大的知識)日后成了支配中國文教社會生活的權力,更是由于在十一世紀的文教界,只有理學家從一種最抽象的視角,認為十一世紀喧囂混亂的世俗生活及其基本的教化問題,無論多么復雜,都可以歸結為人身上的理性與欲望之間的斗爭。就“哲學”能力而言,在渴望成圣、平天下的文教精英當中,理學家無疑是最出色的,他們能夠想到從“人”的結構出發,來認識世間紛繁復雜的現象,因而只需靜坐一處沉思人本身的秘密,而不必象王安石等人那樣認為到各地去調查,才可以摸清世間的狀況與問題。尤其不可思儀的是,他們的知識竟來源于看上去對教化世俗并不感興趣、只想追求長生不老的道士。

Personally , he was an intellectual moralist , and more offending to him than platitudinous pomposity was the morality of those about him , which was a curious hotchpotch of the economic , the metaphysical , the sentimental , and the imitative . a sample of this curious messy mixture he encountered nearer home 他本人是個理性的道德家,而在他眼里他周圍這些人的道德觀卻比大言不慚的陳詞監調更為可厭,那是一種經濟道德形而上學道德傷感主義道德跟人云亦云的道德的妙不盯言的大雜燴。

To a great extent , it was the word “ reward “ that attracted the attention of a vast number of women , who were delighted to discover the true value of their virginity ; it was also this word that offended some moralists , who came to realize the invasion of materialism into the existing moral system 在很大程度上,是“報償”二字吸引了大量的婦女,讓她們看到了自己的貞潔的實在意義;也是“報償”二字刺激了一些道德家的神經,讓他們意識到物質主義對道德體系的侵蝕。

I do not much like to take the tone of a moralist . but the danger of the baobabs is so little understood , and such considerable risks would be run by anyone who might get lost on an asteroid , that for once i am breaking through my reserve 我從來不太愿意以道學家的口吻來說話,可是猴面包樹的危險,大家都不太了解,對迷失在小行星上的人來說,危險性非常之大,因此這一回,我貿然打破了我的這種不喜歡教訓人的慣例。

Scientific ethics has inner tensions , which are as follows : one truth and one goodness ; one instrumental value and one moral value ; one knowledge and one morality ; one scientist and one moralist 摘要科學倫理學有內在關系的緊張,主要在于主題上真與善的統一、價值類別上的工具價值與道德價值的綜合、學科上知識領域與道德領域的交叉、在承擔主體上科學家與倫理學家的結合四個問題。

Throughout them all , giving up her individuality , she would become the general symbol at which the preacher and moralist might point , and in which they might vivify and embody their images of woman s frailty and sinful passion 她將在長年累月之中,放棄她的個性,面成為布道師和道學家指指點點的一般象征,借以形象具體地說明女性的脆弱與罪孽的情欲。

Moralists should conform to the requirement of times development and presently transform concepts , then being able to efficiently engage with the moral work in the internet circumstance 作為德育工作者應根據時代發展的要求,及時轉變觀念,才能在網絡環境下更有效地開展德育工作。

In hawaii “ da bruddahs “ cut off the tops of their woolens , forever voiding the best intentions of the victorian moralists 在夏威夷, “ da bruddahs ”大刀闊斧地去掉了浴衣的頂部,徹底摒棄了維多利亞時代道德家們的金科玉律。

I wondered why moralists call this world a dreary wilderness : for me it blossomed like a rose 我覺得奇怪,為什么道德學家稱這個世界為凄涼的荒漠,對我來說,它好像盛開的玫瑰。

13 this is a matter which has been too little considered , both by moralists and by social reformers 在這件事上,道德家和社會改革家都考慮得太少了。

We are told by moralists with the plainest faces that immorality will spoil our looks 相貌最丑的道德家告誡我們,道德敗壞有損于我們的容貌。

But there are great moralists whose whole work is to see who is doing wrong 但有這么多偉大的道德家,他們整個的工作就是去看誰做錯了事情。

It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it 道德家們常說:幸福靠追求是得不到的。

An exploration of the chinese traditional moralist economic ethical thought 中國傳統德性主義經濟倫理思想探微

A statesman cannot afford to be a moralist 政治家成不了道德家。

Cultural historians and moralists have tended to write from an aristocratic point of view and to decry the breakdown of standards . 文化歷史學家和道德家則傾向于從貴族的觀點出發來論述,竭力反對打破一切標準。

I wondered why moralists call this world a dreary wilderness: for me it blossomed like a rose . 我奇怪,為什么說教者把世界稱作凄涼的荒原;在我看來,它卻象一朵盛開的攻瑰。

The satisfaction derived from this act was all that the most ardent moralist could have desired . 這個行動使自己得到了連最熱心的慈善家都希冀得到的滿足。