
moralism n.道德(主義);道義;修身訓言,格言。


This paper criticizes and analyzes the radical moralism , and makes some suggestions on the reform of school moral education based on a moderate opinion of relativism : from only seeking common ground to both seeking common ground and reserving differences , from only stressing norms to both stressing norms and descriptions ; from confrontation to dialogue ; and from teaching moral items to cultivating moral judgment , sensitivity and action ability 本文對激進的道德主義進行批判和分析,并基于一種溫和的相對主義觀點提出學校德育改革若干建議:從求同轉向求同存異,從規范轉向規范和描述相兼顧,從對抗轉向對話,從德目教學轉向道德判斷力、敏感性、行動能力的培養。

The chinese traditional humanism , which is carried out from the point of doing good turns , is characterized by moralism . but in the western world , there is a humanity tradition which is characterized by rationalism and carried out in the point of pursuing the truth 從“向善”方向展開的中國傳統人文精神以道德主義為特質,西方則有一個以理性主義為特質的人文傳統,它是西方人以“求真”維度觀照自我和世界的產物。

China is thought to have two unique strategic culture : “ to defeat the enemy without combat “ and “ culture moralism “ , but this article will reject them by a material logic 摘要中國時常被認為具有不戰而屈人之兵與文化道德主義等兩項獨特的戰略文化,但本文將依據物質條件的邏輯來檢視這兩個論點。

Accordingly , this article could conclude that , take “ to defeat the enemy without combat “ and “ culture moralism “ as chinese unique strategic culture is a misplacement of time and space 因此,視不戰而屈人之兵與文化道德主義為中國獨特的戰略文化,其實只是時空的錯置。

The weaponry , organization , logistics , and commanding factors in agriculture civilization make the combat not a decisive tool . “ culture moralism “ is a strategic culture of hegemon 在農業文明之下,因為軍隊武器、編組、后勤、指揮等因素,使得武力無法成為一種有效的工具。

Egotism , rationalism and moralism in enterprise behavior - on the development and the system structure of enterprise in social responsibility 企業社會責任的發展路徑及系統結構探微

Education in the moral sense and practical effect of moralism in politics 關于增強德育育人工作實效性的思考