
morale n.(軍隊的)士氣;風紀;精神;信心,信念;道義;道德。...


When he hears there ' s low morale goin ' around is 他首先想到的是:

So what is the morale of the story ? ? 那么這則故事的主旨是什么呢? ?

Their morale is battered . hit them know . hit them hard 他們士氣不振。現在就打,狠狠地打!

Week of alance : morale and luck egated during attles 平衡之周:士氣與運氣在戰斗中被忽略。

They sang songs to keep their morale up 他們唱歌以保持高昂的士氣

Frequent failures did not affect his morale 屢次失敗都沒有使他泄氣。

They sang songs to keep their morale up 他們唱著歌以保持高昂的士氣。

The moral of this story is that money can buy morale 本故事的寓意是:金錢可以買到士氣。

How is the morale in the team after brazil 問:巴西站后車隊的士氣如何?

Morale is better with a more casual dress - code 比較寬松的服裝規定會有比較高昂的士氣。

A sincere compliment boosts one ' s morale 由衷的稱贊可鼓舞一個人的精神。

Beacon of hope : transfers morale to an ally or pet 希望之光:給同伴或者寵物增加士氣。

A . apply the special effect before the morale save 狀態異常會在士氣檢定之前就先執行。

On the development of scholars ' morale in the early song dynasty 論宋初百年士風的演進

How did you find the morale within your department 你所在部門的士氣如何?

He is a man of the very highest morale , magennis 馬吉尼斯可是一位高風亮節之士哩。 ”

Your mother has brought the morale of our community .你母親把我們社區的風氣

Q : how is the morale in the team after brazil 問:巴西站后車隊的士氣如何?

This is some kind of team morale - building exercise , right 這是團隊凝聚力練習啥的吧