
moral adj.1.道德(上)的,道義(上)的;守德行的;(特指...

moral hazard

It is not simple moral perversity that keeps sex and violence on the air . 性和暴力的節目廣為傳播,這不單純是道德淪喪。

Her blooming full-pulsed youth stood there in a moral imprisonment . 她那充滿活力,躍躍欲試的青春,遭到了精神上的禁錮。

Mr. gruncher was soothed, but shook his head in a dubious and moral way . 克郎邱先生放心了,但是又疑惑而莊重地搖搖頭。

A doubt began to trouble him, it gnawed at his huge moral strength . 一種懷疑開始使他煩惱,并且消耗他那巨大的意志力。

He had no objection no moral ground to his friends amusing themselves . 從道德的角度,他并不反對朋友們自己消遣消遣。

Thus they are apt to adopt some kind of historicist moral theory . 這樣,他們就傾向于采取某種歷史決定論的道德學說。

The president of our university is revered for his high moral standards . 我們大學校長因他的高道德標準而受尊崇。

Mr.reynaud spoke of the impact of german propaganda upon french moral . 雷諾先生講起德國宣傳對于法國士氣的影響。

Moral exuberance had inspired both overinvolvement and isolationism . 精神上偏激引起了過多承擔義務和孤立主義。

It was the source and being of moral perfection and of absolute justice . 它是完美道德和絕對正義的根源和本質。

The revolution in morals and customs had run its full course by 1930 . 道德和習俗的革命,到1930年已走到盡頭。

We are not sent into the world to air our moral prejudices . 我們生而為人可不是為了炫耀自己倫理上的偏見的。

Whoever roused his jealousy incurred his moral disapproval . 誰要是引起了他的妒忌就會遭到他的道義上的譴責。

When he entered politics, it came to mean moral courage . 等到他參加政治活動以后,那又意味著道德上的勇敢。

They guide their lives by reasoning more than by moral feeling . 他們靠理性而不是靠道德感指導自己的生活。

In fact the morals of the affair weighed lightly upon her . 事實上,這樁事情的道德方面她覺得無足輕重。

Levchenko recoiled at what he deemed moral corruption . 列夫欽科把他所認為的道德上的貪污腐化視若蛇蝎。

You never say a moral thing, and you never do a wrong thing . 你從來不侈談道德,可也從來沒有越軌行為。

He is content to draw the most flippant of morals from the story . 他滿足于從故事中引出最輕率的教訓。