
moraine n.【地質學;地理學】冰磧,冰磧層,冰川堆石。morai...


Through test and research of zipingpu reservoir concrete faced rockfill dam ' s material and finite element analysis of the dam , physics and mechanical characteristics were studied , such as characteristics of rock , compaction , permeability , compressibility and so on , of the no viscous moraine and gravel . at the same time , the mutual relation of physics and mechanical characteristics were studied 對紫坪鋪面板堆石壩筑壩料試驗研究,了解堆石料等無粘性粒狀土的巖性、級配、壓實性、滲透性、壓縮性等物理力學性質,以及物理性與力學性之間的相互關系。

Taking the earth - rock dams with straight clay core constructed on thick moraine cover foundation and directly built on bed - rocks with the same sizes and the same materials for example , two - dimensional dynamic fem programme is used to contrast and analyze the static stress distribution and dynamic response difference of two types of high earth - rock dams in the intensive earthquake zones 摘要以相同尺度和相同材料的建造在深厚覆蓋層上直心墻土石壩和直接建設在基巖上的直心墻土石壩為例,采用二維動力有限元程序對比和分析了強震區兩種高土石壩的靜應力分布和動力反應的差異。

Look back generally to elaborate the development and present situation of the stress - strain model of soil . according to a great deal of data of the test and research of zipingpu reservoir concrete faced rockfill dam ' s material , suggest the more reasonable stress - strain - volume change equation to contain strain softening , dilatancy ( shrinkage ) of the no viscous moraine and gravel . suggest the method to gain the model ' s parameter 較全面回顧闡述了土體本構模型的發展和現狀,根據紫坪鋪面板堆石壩筑壩料的大量試驗研究,提出相對合理的應力應變關系方程,以反映土體的應變軟化、剪脹性,并提出模型參數的求取方法,求取模型參數。

The computation results indicate that when the earth - rock dam with the straight clay core on thick moraine cover foundation is designed , the design criterion for the earth - rock dam with straight clay core directly built on the bed - rock can be adopted for the design criterion of dynamic stability of dam itself , but the dam feet and the dam clay core feet should be reinforced for static stability 計算結果表明,設計深厚覆蓋層上直心墻土石壩時,大壩自身的動力穩定設計標準可直接采用建設在基巖上的直心墻土石壩的設計標準,而靜力穩定問題應加強大壩壩腳以及心墻兩個底角部的防護。

Yet this succession was forced willy - nilly onto the glaciated parts of northern europe , where there are partial successions of true glacial ground moraines and interglacial deposits , with hopes of ultimately piecing them together to provide a complete pleistocene succession 研究者們還將這一順序強行用于北歐的冰川地區? ?那里只有局部地方存在著真正冰川底磧和間冰沉積物之間的交替排列? ?企圖最終拼湊起一個完整的更新世順序。

Conceivably the mound - building indians believed their resurrection would coincide with some such liberation , and built their graves in imitation of the low moraines deposited by the departing glaciers 可以想象,擅長構筑土墩的印第安人相信人的死而復生會與某種類似的釋放同時發生,所以他們在建造墓塋時模仿離去的冰川積下的低矮冰磧。

Investigation to the upstream of the gully and analysis of the climate data demonstrate that these two debris flows were caused by glacial meltwater and moraine - dammed lake outburst 通過對上游的考察和氣象資料分析,查清了災害的形成原因是沖堆普上游冰川融水和嘉龍湖局部潰決所誘發。

Calgary , moraine lake , lake louise , maligne canyon , jasper , athabasca falls , columbia icefields , peyto lake , bow lake , emerald lake , banff , yoho national park 卡加利夢蓮湖露易絲湖美林峽谷杰士伯阿塔巴斯卡瀑布米耶特溫泉江士頓峽谷哥倫比亞冰原貝多湖弓湖翡翠湖班芙

While the south is snow - capped . lcebergs stand like trees in a forest . east of it , moraines and glacier lakes come into view . this thesefore , is the mose cenrealized area of glacial lakes in sichuan 格聶山的東部,是四川冰川湖最為集中的地方,冰磧垅冰川湖屢見不鮮。

The influencing element and the equation of the shear strength of the no viscous moraine and gravel , and strain softening , dilatancy ( shrinkage ) were analyzed 分析了堆石料等無粘性粒狀土的抗剪強度影響因素和合理抗剪強度表達式,應變軟化、剪脹等性質。

The contribution of the glacial meltwater accounted for about 74 % , and that of moraine - dammed lake outburst accounted for only 26 % of the maximum discharge 這是一種多因子共同作用的新型泥石流類型,不同于以往的冰川融水型泥石流和冰湖潰決型泥石流。

Calgary , moraine lake , lake louise , maligne canyon , jasper , athabasca falls , columbia icefields , peyto lake , bow lake , emerald lake , banff 卡加利夢蓮湖露易絲湖美林峽谷杰士伯阿塔巴斯卡瀑布哥倫比亞冰原貝多湖弓湖翡翠湖班芙

Walking and hiking trails are a signature of moraine lake in banff national park , but beware of the ever - present grizzly bear 在夢蓮湖周圍行走或者攀巖已經是班芙國家公園里的特色游之一,但游客需小心這附近曾經出現過的大灰熊。

I am so happy to get the letter from you saying that i had been admitted to moraine valley junior college 接到來信,知道我已被莫萊茵谷專科學校錄取,真是高興萬分!

Valley - side moraine 谷邊冰磧

An area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial moraine 冰川前砂礫層冰河冰漬前沉積的沙及礫石覆蓋的區域

Dynamic response research of high earth - rock dam on the thick moraine cover foundation 深厚覆蓋層上高土石壩的動力反應特性研究

Jasper - mailgne canyon - pyto lake - bow lake - lake louise - moraine lake :杰士伯國家公園美林峽谷貝多湖弓湖露易斯湖夢蓮湖

Calgary - moraine lake - lake louise - jasper national park - maligne canyon 卡加利夢蓮湖露易斯湖杰士伯國家公園美林峽谷