
mora n.(pl. -rae , -ras)1.【語言學】音節...


He is also supporting a performance at the hong kong cultural centre on november 20 , 2005 by the university gamelan , directed by dr . manolete mora , who is also the associate professor of department of music , and will send four leading balinese dancers and musicians to participate in the event 是次演奏將由香港大學音樂系副教授manoletemora博士指揮,并會有四位由bharata先生贊助來港的舞蹈家和音樂家參與演出

Peppino had a little spare time , so he had a game of mora with the facchini , lost three crowns , and then to console himself drank a bottle of orvieto 庇皮諾閑得無事,便和閑漢們玩骰子,輸了三個艾居,為了安慰自己,喝了一瓶奧維多酒。

“ recycling will become a major industry for us in china , “ said jorge mora , the company ' s chief executive for asia , based in beijing 威立雅駐北京的亞太區首席執行官穆橋石( jorgemora )表示: “回收將成為我們在中國的一個主要產業。

“ you catcha da job , i let you have mora da grub , “ the grocer assured martin . “ no job , no grub “你找到工作我就給你吃的, ”雜貨店老板問他保證, “沒有工作沒有吃的,這是生意經。 ”

“ the boats are coming back half empty , so we hope to take advantage of that , “ said mr mora 穆橋石表示: “這些船回來的時候有一半是空的,所以我們希望利用這一點。

Dr . m mora 穆萬諾博士

Dr . m . mora 穆萬諾博士

Dr manolete mora , school of humanities 人文學院穆萬諾博士