
mor n.粗腐植質〔森林中的浮層土壤〕。


Minister liu and the other mor leaders conveyed greetings to the railway builders , inspected the project progress and operation preparations , held talks with the management and engineers of the units of construction , design and operation and worked together on the major issues of the opening of this line 劉志軍一行親切看望并慰問了京津城際鐵路廣大建設者,實地察看了工程進展和運營準備情況,與建設、設計、施工、運營等單位的領導和工程技術人員進行座談,一同研究解決關系京津城際鐵路開通運營的有關重大問題。

Abstract : the paper describes the variational state of mor of each mode of transportation in past years , and analyzes the reason why the mor of rpt is decreasing , meanwhile , the trend of mor and essential market share of rpt is forecasted , and five main countermeasures are put forward 文摘:綜述了我國各種運輸方式歷年客運市場占有率變動狀況,分析了鐵路客運市場占有率下降的原因,展望了鐵路客運市場占有份額發展趨勢及其應占有的市場份額,提出了5項主要對策。

Mr leung explained that reportable occurrences under the mor system include incidents which involve damage to aircraft , injury to person ( including crew ) , failure of multiple aircraft systems or equipments , false fire warning and abnormal functioning of communication system 梁汝強解釋說,在強制事故報告制度下的需作報告事故,包括航機損壞、有人受傷(包括機組人員) 、多重飛機系統或儀器失靈、火警警報誤鳴及通訊系統失常。

Despite the freezing coldness , mor party secretary & minister liu zhijun , members of mor party group & vm hu yadong , vm lu chunfang and vm wang zhiguo came over to beijing - tianjin intercity railway construction site in the morning of december 27th 2007 2007年12月27日上午,鐵道部黨組書記、部長劉志軍同黨組成員、副部長胡亞東、盧春房、王志國等領導同志率部機關有關部門負責人冒著嚴寒到京津城際鐵路現場辦公。

M the further development of the real etate markt of our country the operation management of the real estate invesbont become mor regular , which demands a scientific and systcmatic managemeng of risk during the course of real estate invesbefit 隨著我國房地產行業的進一步完善和發展,房地產投資企業也開始步入了規范化的運作,迫切的需要采用科學的管理方法對房地產投資過程中的風險進行科學的分析和防范。

Taking into account the latest development of the town planning and traffic network planning on the two sides , the mor and the etwb are considering some new ideas for the mainland and hong kong sections of the erl respectively 在研究后期,因應雙方的整體城市規劃及交通網絡規劃的最新進展,鐵道部與環境運輸及工務局分別對廣深港高速鐵路項目的內地及香港段考慮了一些新構思。

The company engaged in manufacturing the washing equipment for rail vehicles , which has undertaken the high speed train washing machines of mor and some subway washing equipments in part of cities , and all the equipments manufactured by the joint venture company independently 目前已承接鐵道部動車組的洗車設備和全國部分城市地鐵車輛的洗車設備,完全由合資公司自主生產。

Under air navigation ( hong kong ) order 1995 , hong kong air operator s certificate ( aoc ) holders are required to report to cad within 96 hours , incidents which fall into the category of mandatory occurrence reporting ( mor ) 根據飛航(香港)令1 9 9 5中的強制性事故報告制度,所有航空營運許可證的持有人,都需要就其機隊發生的事故,在九十六小時內向民航處報告。

Give me my wordsworth . enter magee mor matthew , a rugged rough rugheaded kern , in strossers with a buttoned codpiece , his nether stocks bemired with clauber of ten forests , a wand of wilding in his hand 這是個滿臉皺紋粗魯蓬頭亂發的莊稼漢403 ,穿著胯間有個前兜的緊身短褲, 404布襪子405上沾了十座樹林的泥污, 406手里拿著野生蘋果木杖。

Given that this spring festival transportation peak was overwhelmed by early passenger flows , mor has decided to launch the spring festival transportation on january 18th , 5 days ahead of the original starting date of january 23rd 由于今年春節前客流來得早、上得猛,鐵道部決定,全國鐵路1月18日進入春運,比國家確定的1月23日進入春運早了5天。

We should delicate ourself t improving the quality of water ofr the human by application of the advanced technology , which makes the valued source round us more safe , more clear and mor inviromental 我公司將致力于運用先進的技術,不斷推出領先于時代的高科技產品來改善中國客戶的用水水質,使我們的水源更潔凈、更環保、更安全!

A cat scan had indicated renewed bleeding on his brain and other complications . after an hours - long operation , hadassah hospital ' s director , dr . shlomo mor - yosef , emerged to brief hundreds of reporters 星期五早上,沙龍又經歷了一次生命的搏斗。在不到48小時之內,他又一次被醫生推進了手術室,進行第三次手術。

Mor is supposed to conduct careful preparations and carry out all assurance measures so as to accomplish the post - festival transportation in a safe , orderly and smooth manner , noted premier wen 請鐵道部周密安排,認真做好準備,落實各項措施,確保安全、有序、順利地完成繁重的節后春運任務。

Best series oil skimmer overcomes all weak points of all oil skimmers , which ranks the first place with its more practical and innovative technique and mor efficient oil - receiving method Best系列浮油回收機克服了所有浮油回收機的弱點,以更切合實際的創新科技、更高效的收油手段,獨占鰲頭。

On the mainland side , the mor is studying the feasibility of using the mainland section of the erl to also cater for the guangzhou - shenzhen axis of the pearl river delta rapid transit system 在內地方面,鐵道部正考慮以廣深港高速鐵路內地段兼顧珠三角城際快速軌道網廣深城際線的可行性。

At about 07 : 00 on january 18th , mor party secretary & minister liu zhijun inspected beijing west railway station despite the chilly wind of the first snow in the new year 1月18日清晨7時許,鐵道部黨組書記、部長劉志軍冒著北京新年第一場雪后的凜冽寒風,來到北京西站檢查春運工作。

Di rio econ mico adds that the two companies tap is buying from varig will be headed up by brazilians luiz da gama mor tap s vice president and michael connoly tap s financial director 莫爾和邁克爾?克努里領導,莫爾是葡航的副總裁,克努里是葡航的財政總監。

We are manufacturer of bitter tea candy . you will be assured by high quality products at easonable prices . for mor information please contact us today 本公司的苦茶糖清涼潤喉,在品質或是價格上皆受到各界的好評,如您有任何需要請立即與我們聯絡。

Visit the famous temple square and learn about the mor mon settlement in depth . later in the afternoon , head to the famous kennecott copper mine 繼而參觀世界最大的賓漢谷露天銅礦場bingham canyon copper mine ,并可購買各式各樣的銅制品。