
mope vt.,vi.(使)郁郁不樂;(使)掃興,閑蕩。 mop...


Tyres and wheels - rim profiles and dimensions - moped rims - specification for moped rims 輪胎和車輪.輪輞外廓和尺寸.機動自行車輪輞.機動自行車輪輞規范

That ' s life . “ everybody can feel down about it , but you can mope and moan about it on the bus 特雷弗-阿里扎說: “每個人的情緒都很低落,在車上抱怨。

Provisions for installation of two wheel motorcycle and moped lighting and light - signalling devices 兩輪摩托車及輕便摩托車照明和光信號裝置的安裝規定

Once you decide to stop moping and start moving forward you won ' t have time to feel depressed 一旦你停止郁悶并開始向前看,你就不會覺得那么痛苦了。

The test method of maximum stable side - inclination for motorcycle and moped with three wheels 三輪摩托車和三輪輕便摩托車最大側傾穩定角試驗方法

Monica : all right , that ' s it . you know what ? just get out of my way and stop moping 好的,我知道了。你知道么,別在這里礙事,也別悶悶不樂了。

Personal eye protection - goggles for motorcycle and moped users ; german version en 1938 : 1998 人員眼睛保護.摩托車和機動自行車駕駛員用防護鏡

In the aftermath of the detroit downer , damon didn ' t mope around his orlando home 在底特律的慘敗之后,戴蒙并沒有在奧蘭多的家中消沉度日。

Poor jane has been moping the whole week away . i ' m getting quite worried about her 整整一個星期可憐的簡一直郁郁不樂,我十分為她擔心。

Big moped mirror 大助動車鏡

He stole my moped 他偷了我的車

Who ' s the mope 這個蠢貨的是誰?

You can take it . it was your moped , right ? you can take it later 你可以拿走了,這本來就是你的機車是嗎?你也可以晚些時候再拿

So you and your sister can mope around the house and your mother and i can . . 這樣你跟妹妹可以在家里閑蕩而我跟媽媽可以. .

Neville ebin died in bermuda when a taxi knocked him off his moped 內維爾.艾賓在百慕大?機動腳踏兩用車時被一輛出租車撞死。

Dalingying mirror moped mirror 助動車鏡

So you and your sister can mope around the house and your mother and i can 這樣你跟妹妹可以在家里閑蕩而我跟媽媽可以

Often this leads us to spend hours moping and falling in to depression 這會導致我們很長時間悶悶不樂或情緒沮傷。

Why do you always so mope ? ' asked the fish lightly to the hedgehog “為什么你總是那么憂郁呢? ”魚默默地問刺猬。