
moot vt.討論;提出(問題);(在假設法庭上)實習辯論。n....

moot court

Media representatives are welcome to take photographs before and after the moot , but are kindly reminded to refrain from doing so inside the court room 歡迎傳媒代表于賽前及賽后拍攝,但比賽進行時請勿使用任何攝影器材。

The daily mirror claims united will step up their interest in gudjohnsen following henry ' s arrival with an ? 8million bid being mooted 《每日鏡報》報道在亨利轉會巴薩后,曼聯會繼續追逐古德約翰森,轉會費可能是800萬鎊。

Organized by the international law students association ilsa , the jessup moot is the most prestigious competition of its kind in the world Jessup國際法模擬法庭比賽由國際法學生協會主辦,是世界最權威的國際法庭比賽。

In current language teaching , particularly vocabulary teaching , one of the moot frequently used ways is to use the grammar - translation method 摘要外語實踐教學中的詞匯層面最常見的方法就是利用翻譯對比法講解意義。

To buoy house prices the package includes a rescue plan for distressed mortgages more generous than anything previously mooted 為了防止房屋價格的繼續下滑,措施將比預期更有力地對處于危難中的抵押物進行挽救。

Queenie lau won the best mooter prize . seven teams competed in this inaugural mooting competition held in the gold coast , australia 首屆lawasia模擬聆訊大賽于澳洲的黃金海岸舉行,共吸引了七隊法律學生參加。

True , all this planning becames moot when the 40 - minute trip takes two hours because of a track fire and a wino who gets caught in the door 如果大家有實在有需要上下文的說一下。看誰說的好誰的積分給的多。

Under the market economic system , tv rating is the moot crucial criterion to judge whether a program is good or not 摘要在市場經濟體制下,電視節目的收視率成為衡量一個欄目或一期節目好壞的最關鍵的指標。

Based on studying aim and principle of bpi , this thesis provides comprehensive bpi system . we moot some resolution on skill 在研究業務流程優化的目標和原則的基礎上,提出了業務流程綜合評價指標體系。

The new congress is attempting to reverse that decision , though whether it can muster the necessary supermajority is moot 新一屆國會正試圖推翻這個決定,盡管能否召集必須的壓倒多數還有待論證。

The final round of the basic law mooting competition 2005 will be held this saturday ( 5 march 2005 ) at the high court 2005年度基本法模擬法庭比賽決賽將于本星期六( 3月5日)在高等法院舉行。

She read browning aloud to him , and was often puzzled by the strange interpretations he gave to mooted passages 她向他朗誦勃朗寧的詩,卻常因他對他們探討的段落作出的新奇解釋而感到困惑。

The final round of the basic law mooting competition 2005 will be held this saturday 5 march 2005 at the high court 2005年度基本法模擬法庭比賽決賽將于本星期六( 3月5日)在高等法院舉行。

Courts and lesser moots are lengthy affairs , at which all interested parties haggle over points of contention 所有的黨派為了自己的利益而爭執不休的朝會和其他較小的會議總是冗長的。

We are also grateful for the donation made to the team by the eric au memorial fund scholarship for mooting 同時,我們亦非常感謝歐成威先生紀念基金模擬聆訊?學金的贊助。

The concept of a knowledge - based economy was already mooted by german scholars at the beginning of this century 知識經濟的概念其實早在本世紀初就有德國學者已經提出。

Formal moots take all night ( reciting the king ' s introduction alone may take half an hour ) 正式的會議總是要開整夜的時間(光是敘述國王的前言就往往要半個小時) 。

Frankfurt and even paris were mooted as possible usurpers of london ' s crown 在人們口中,法蘭克福、甚至巴黎都成了可能奪走倫敦皇冠的篡位者。

Welcome to the guangzhou fair , mr . moot . wish you ' ll have a wonderful time at the fair 歡迎您到廣交會來,莫特先生。但愿您在交易會上會很開心。