
moose n.〔 sing., pl.〕1.【動物;動物學】大角麋...


And share your performance questions at the big moose saloon 并在big moose saloon板塊共享您的有關性能的疑問。

Yes , but a very cute moose . make all the boy moose go . . 是的,但是是一個非常可愛的駝鹿吸引所有的公駝鹿. .

Remember what happened to chacon when moose taught him a few of his pitches 還記得先前發生在查康的例子嗎?

The moose hat and everything . . .的鹿頭和所做的一切

In fairbanks , it is illegal to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose 在費爾班克斯,向駝鹿喂食酒精飲料違法。

- okay , he was a recent two - term president . - ofthe moose lodge -他是個在近期執政過兩屆的老總-雄鹿旅店的?

Okay , he was a recent two - term president . - ofthe moose lodge 他是個在近期執政過兩屆的老總-雄鹿旅店的?

Mr . moose likes to say good words 馴鹿先生希望說好話

“ moose is going to throw what he ' s going to throw “穆帥是個控球能力不錯的投手,配球與節奏都掌握得很好。

What ' s with the dead moose head on the wall and the lndian blankets 墻上的死鹿頭和印第安毯子干嘛用的?

Yes , but a very cute moose . make all the boy moose go 是的,但是是一個非常可愛的駝鹿吸引所有的公駝鹿

You take those moose antlers back there 你看后面的駝鹿角

Jamie ? jamie , is that you ? hey . hey , little moose . how are you 杰米?杰米,是你嗎?嘿,小老鼠,你好嗎

Thread at the javaranch big moose saloon has some interesting commentary 線索中有一些有趣的解釋。

Man on tv don ' tyou mean moose race 你不是指“賽鹿比賽”吧?

Good lord , moose ! will you calm down , get a throat lozenge 很好,穆斯!你要不要冷靜下來,吃個喉糖

J ust pound these moose worshippers 就向這些崇拜者們猛貫以

The moose are gone now , by and large 不過現在也沒剩幾頭了. .

[ man on tv ] don ' tyou mean moose race 你不是指“賽鹿比賽”吧?