
moorland n.〔英國〕(長滿石南屬植物的)荒野,高沼地。


They clung to the purple moors behind and around their dwelling - to the hollow vale into which the pebbly bridle - path leading from their gate descended , and which wound between fern - banks first , and then amongst a few of the wildest little pasture - fields that ever bordered a wilderness of heath , or gave sustenance to a flock of grey moorland sheep , with their little mossy - faced lambs : - they clung to this scene , i say , with a perfect enthusiasm of attachment 她們眷戀住宅后面和周圍紫色的荒原一眷戀凹陷的溪谷。一條鵝卵石筑成的馬道,從大門口由高而低通向那里,先在蔽樹叢生的兩岸之間蜿蜒著,隨后又經過與歐石南荒原交界的幾個最荒蕪的小牧場。一群灰色的荒原羊和苔蘚般面孔的羊羔,都靠這些牧場來維持生命嗨,她們熱情滿懷地眷戀著這番景色。

Answer : following estate does not get set mortgage : ( one ) authority belongs to open to question estate ; ( 2 ) use at education , medical treatment , municipal the estate that waits for public welfare work ; ( 3 ) the construction that includes cultural relic protection and the other building that have important souvenir sense ; ( 4 ) already lawfully the estate that announcement includes the range that tear open change ; ( 5 ) be closed down lawfully , the sequestered , estate that superintend or restricts with other form ; ( 6 ) the other estate that must not mortgage lawfully ; ( 7 ) except countryside ( town ) , the building such as village company factory building takes up the collective land access of limits , of the access of other and collective land besides the collective land access of the moorland such as grave of channel of the barren mountain that contract lawfully and mortgages via sending a bag to just agree , barren , barren , desolate sands 答:下列房地產不得設定抵押: (一)權屬有爭議的房地產; (二)用于教育、醫療、市政等公共福利事業的房地產; (三)列入文物保護的建筑物和有重要紀念意義的其他建筑物; (四)已依法公告列入拆遷范圍的房地產; (五)被依法查封、扣押、監管或者以其它形式限制的房地產; (六)依法不得抵押的其他房地產; (七)除鄉(鎮) 、村企業廠房等建筑物占用范圍的集體土地使用權,依法承包并經發包方同意抵押的荒山、荒溝、荒丘、荒灘等荒地的集體土地使用權之外的其他集體土地使用權的。

Assure law “ regulation : divide the following outside two kinds of circumstances , farmland , curtilage base , plot of land for personal needs , leave the collective such as hill oneself all land access must not mortgage : ( 1 ) the land access of the moorland such as grave of the barren mountain that guaranty person contracts lawfully and mortgages via sending a bag to just agree , barren , desolate sands ; ( 2 ) with countryside ( town ) , the building such as the workshop of village enterprise mortgages , its take up the land access inside limits mortgages at the same time 擔保法》規定:除以下兩種情況外,耕地、宅基地、自留地、自留山等集體所有的土地使用權不得抵押: ( 1 )抵押人依法承包并經發包方同意抵押的荒山、荒丘、荒灘等荒地的土地使用權; ( 2 )以鄉(鎮) 、村企業的廠房等建筑物抵押的,其占用范圍內的土地使用權同時抵押。

Sit there , she said , placing me on the sofa , while we take our things off and get the tea ready ; it is another privilege we exercise in our little moorland home - to prepare our own meals when we are so inclined , or when hannah is baking , brewing , washing , or ironing “那兒坐著吧, ”她說著把我安頓在沙發上, “我們來脫掉衣服,準備好茶點。在沼澤居小家庭中享受的另一個特權,是自己準備飯菜,那往往是想要這么干,或者漢娜忙著烘烤,調制燙衣的時候, ”

At mid - day they drew near to a roadside inn , and tess would have entered it with him to get something to eat , but he persuaded her to remain among the trees and bushes of this half - woodland , half - moorland part of the country , till he should come back 在中午的時候,他們走近了一個路邊的客棧,苔絲想和他一起進去吃點兒東西,但是安琪爾勸她還是留在這兒,呆在這塊差不多還是林地和樹林的灌木叢里,等著他回來。

I had , by cross - ways and by - paths , once more drawn near the tract of moorland ; and now , only a few fields , almost as wild and unproductive as the heath from which they were scarcely reclaimed , lay between me and the dusky hill 我已經穿小徑,抄近路再次靠近了一大片荒原。此刻,在我與黑糊糊的小山之間,只有幾小片田野,幾乎沒有很好開墾,和原來的歐石南差不多一樣荒蕪和貧瘠。

Climbing kilimanjaro means passing through five climatic zones , including rainforest , heath , moorland , alpine desert , and arctic . temperatures range from 30 degrees celsius to below zero 攀登吉力馬扎羅山需穿越五大氣候地帶,分別是雨林、石南荒野、高沼地、高山沙漠、極地。氣溫介乎攝氏30度至零度以下。

Land of green mountains , rocky islands , rugged moorlands ( 1 ) , and stunning cities , scotland proudly invites visitors to explore its 8 , 000 year - old culture 群山綠意蔥蘢,諸島亂石嶙峋,野地崎嶇多趣,城市令人贊嘆,這些都足以讓蘇格蘭引以為豪,它籍此誠邀您來探訪它那綿延8千年之久的悠久文化。

From the well - known names of these towns i learn in what county i have lighted ; a north - midland shire , dusk with moorland , ridged with mountain : this i see 從這些熟悉的鎮名來判斷,我明白我在什么郡下了車。這是中部偏北的一個郡,看得出來荒野幽暗,山巒層疊。

Climbing kilimanjaro means passing through five climatic zones , including rainforest , heath , moorland , alpine desert , and arctic 攀登吉力馬扎羅山需穿越五大氣候地帶,分別是雨林石南荒野高沼地高山沙漠極地。

Giant prehistoric - looking groundsels and lobelia lie on the boggy ground of the moorland zone 在高沼地域長滿了這些像史前植物的野濫縷菊及半邊蓮。

The wind sighed low in the firs : all was moorland loneliness and midnight hush 風在冷杉中低吟著,一切只有荒原的孤獨和午夜的沉寂。

At last , they reached the point where all the moorland paths crossed 最后,他們來到了高沼地中小路的交匯處。

It seems like a crazy idea , going to britain to see the moorland 到英國去看荒原,似乎是個荒唐的主意。

The fields have reverted to moorland 那片田地又變成了荒地。

We crossed wide stretches of moorland without relief 我們走過一大片景色單調的荒野。

Before them lay miles of undulating moorland 他們前面是一片高低高伏的荒原。

The fields have reverted to moorland . 這些田地又恢復成荒地。