
moore n.穆爾〔姓氏〕。


She sort of looks like demi moore in this picture 她在這張圖里看起來有點像黛米?摩爾。

Members of congress , this is michael moore 國會議員們,我是邁克爾.莫爾

Father moore , was emily a good person 莫爾神父愛米麗是個品行好的人嗎?

. . . to corroborate father moore about the exorcism …來證實莫爾神父關于驅魔儀式的證詞

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I had hoped father moore wouldn ' t need me 我原希望莫爾神父不用需要我幫忙就能度過難關

. . . whether father moore was , in fact , negligent …用于決定莫爾神父是否真的是有過失的

Father moore is here . can you come downstairs 莫爾神父來了,你能下樓嗎?

You thought moore was the second coming for this island 你以為摩爾是這個島的基督再臨

Father moore , before you could perform the exorcism . . 莫爾神父,在執行驅魔儀式之前…

Father richard moore is not one of them 理查德?莫爾神父絕對不是其中的一個

Before he was arrested , father moore sent this to me 在被捕前,莫爾神父把這個給了我

Mr . moore is trying to sell the whole damn company 摩爾先生要把公司變賣掉

. . . to that man , the defendant , father richard moore 被告,理查德?莫爾神父

The elisabeth luce moore library , chung chi college 崇基學院牟路恩怡圖書館

. . . put your daughter entirely in father moore ' s care 你把你女兒完全交給了莫爾神父?

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A girl who trusted father richard moore with her iife 她將自己的生命托付給莫爾神父

But ms . moore won ' t be checking in until tomorrow morning 摩爾女士到明天早晨才會來