
moor n.〔英國〕(特指生長石南屬植物的)荒野,高原沼地;〔英...

moor coal

Monitoring system integration for berthing and mooring operation 靠系泊作業監控系統集成

Lower one slip wire to the mooring boat from starboard side 自左舷松下一根引纜給帶纜船

And you will have such nice rambles on the moors 而且你還可以在曠野里好好地溜達溜達。

Analysis of mooring lines forces of a berthed ship 碼頭系泊纜繩張力的計算

They moor their laden boats near my trees 他們把滿載的船只拴在我的樹上。

Real - time transmission moored subsurface buoy system 海洋實時傳輸潛標系統

Shipbuilding ; mooring winches ; identical with iso 3730 : 1988 造船.錨泊絞盤

Lower one messenger rope to the mooring boat from portside 自左舷松下一根引纜給帶纜船

The plan will rise up , please must moor the safety belt 飛機將要起來,請系好安全帶。

We moored in the estuary , waiting for high tide 我們在港灣停泊,等待漲潮。

Specification for chocks , panama , mooring cast steel 巴拿馬錨用鑄鋼輪擋規范

Keep to the track the moor is very boggy around here 不要偏離車道- -這一帶沼澤地多

Removable aircraft emergency towing and mooring rings 飛機應急可拆卸的牽引和系留環

The ship mooring evaluation function based on pattern search 提出小水線面中體五體船

He used to go for long walks on the moors 他過去時常在荒野上長時間地散步。

The piers sadden when the afternoon moors there 當暮色停泊在那處,碼頭傷感。

Put the rat guards on all the mooring ropes 水手長,在所有的系纜繩上放置夾鼠板。

Rubber hose , oil suction and discharge , offshore mooring 近海停泊排吸油橡膠軟管

We shipped ( the ) oars and moored alongside the bank 我們收起槳,把船泊在岸邊